Breathing according to Buteyko - advantages and disadvantages
In recent years, for the purpose of recovery, a large number of “systems” and gymnastics have appeared, with the help of which each author of his method convinces others of the progressiveness of his gymnastics for the most effective improvement of the activity of all organs and systems.
I remember that in the early nineties of the last century, clubs of followers of Buteyko K.P. were created in every city and even settlements to master the method of volitional control of breathing. Supporters of Buteyko K.P. claimed that positive changes in the body occur as if due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood. Opponents of volitional control of breathing, agreeing on the role of carbon dioxide and belittling the role that oxygen plays for the normal course of all processes occurring in the body, pointed to the insignificance of the effect of increasing the amount of carbon dioxide on the body. This dispute between Buteykovites and official medicine is not completed and one cannot expect that it can be resolved in someone’s favor.
When malaise is an obstacle to the arrangement of the way of life in the direction of improving the quality of life, a person is ready to use any means. If anyone does not know the methodology of K. P. Buteyko, then it is for such people that I intend to explain it in my presentation.
To control Buteyko breathing requires a maximum pause in the exhalation, which is time from holding your breath to the need to inhale oxygen. The maximum pause (MP) is measured once a day in seconds and is determined by the amount of CO2 in the alveolar air. The more MP, the higher the CO2 content. Gradually reducing breathing, patients see how the MP grows and at the same time their diseases go away.
Based on his own experience of breathing, Buteyko should pay attention to the fact that recovery goes the same way as the disease, but in the opposite direction and much faster. This is a normal reaction of the body during recovery. At the same time, the temperature usually rises, as metabolic processes accelerate and the production of immune bodies increases. The body, cleansing, reacts to this process with a headache and pain in the muscles and joints. At this time, it is important to slow down breathing, do not allow it to intensify, give the body time to adapt. When you reach MP - 60 seconds, the main symptoms of the disease will disappear. With a further decrease in MP respiration, the condition significantly improves. I do not manage to reach the MP - 180 seconds, and therefore I cannot say, following K.P. Buteyko, that in this case there is a full recovery. I also cannot say that with an increase in MP more than 180 seconds, the need for food decreases dramatically. But one thing I found is that after the MP more than 60 seconds, the need for food really decreases. The statement of K.P. Buteyko is correct that plant foods, fasting and physical activity contribute to a decrease in breathing, and as a result, an increase in CO2 in the body and the growth of MP. I also confirm that I easily refused to eat food rich in proteins, tea, coffee, chocolate.
I paid so much attention to the advantages and disadvantages of breathing according to the K.P. Buteyko system, only because knowing how to breathe according to Buteyko, the development of endogenous breathing is greatly simplified. What can be achieved with the help of endogenous respiration is clearly demonstrated by the Philippine pearl catcher George Pacino, about whom many Filipino newspapers wrote in 1994. George Pacino is under water for about an hour. However, he does not use any devices. His biggest record of staying at a depth of 60 meters is 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Since the news of his unusual ability to adapt to life under water flew around almost all of the Philippines, setting a record on film film filmed several divers in overalls.
He was also examined by the doctors, who found that George Pacino. Men 165 centimeters tall, an unusually large chest. It allows you to accumulate so much air that the lungs are almost half the body. George Pacino wants a new record. He wants to spend about two hours underwater. George is currently training hard, adding 30 to 40 seconds to the record.
When George Pacino set underwater records in 1994, neither he nor the doctors who examined him had any idea of endogenous respiration. The concept of endogenous respiration has been used by V. F. Frolov since 1997 in assessing the ability of the breather to exhale more than to inhale.
If we take the components of the chemical composition of the human body weighing 70 kg, then oxygen - 45.5 kg, carbon - 12.6 kg, hydrogen - 7 kg, nitrogen - 2.1 kg, calcium - 1.4 kg. Oxygen in the human body is most and it is spent during endogenous respiration to maintain the vital activity of the body.
The volume of George Pacino’s lungs is impressive, but without the ability to breathe endogenously, he would not have enough air supply for more than 15 minutes, which is recorded by other divers in Guinness’s book as a record.
Source: dolgo-zivi.ru
Source: /users/1077