Scientists have uncovered the cause of allergies to milk
Researchers of several universities of Vienna discovered that a protein in milk known as beta-lactoglobulin is able to initiate an Allergy only when he is deprived of iron. With the iron protein is harmless.
Scientists discovered the same mechanism in relation to the Allergy to birch pollen. In case of Allergy to milk the body's immune system attacks the proteins of the product by IgE antibodies and Th2 lymphocytes contribute significantly to the production of IgE antibodies. One of the most important milk allergens, beta-lactoglobulin, belongs to the protein family of lipocalins. Lipocalins have a molecular pockets which are able to accommodate iron. Iron binds to the protein with siderophores.
Franziska Roth-Walter and her colleagues showed that an "empty" milk protein, iron and siderophores, helps to activate Th2 lymphocytes. As a consequence, it stimulates the production of IgE antibodies against the protein of milk and a person may develop an allergic reaction to milk.
Now scientists want to find out what it depends on the iron load of milk proteins. Another researcher Erika Jensen-Jarolim explains: "We want to understand: why are these milk proteins loaded with iron to a greater or lesser degree. What it is: a method of keeping and feeding cows? This will be one of our main interests in the future. Lipocalins exist in all mammals. We assume that our conclusions are applicable to milk of other mammals".
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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