9 Facts About Your Feet That You Didn't Know
Your feet are some of the most tenacious limbs, provided you have some semblance of an active life. But how much do you know about them? We have some interesting facts that I bet you didn’t know:
On average, a person takes about 10 thousand steps a day, and if you count their number for a lifetime, these steps will be enough to go around the globe 4 times. In the legs are 25% of all bones. 250,000 sweat glands, which produce 400 ml of sweat per day, are also located on the legs. Matthew McGrory steps on the ground in a size 65 shoe with the proud title of "World's Biggest Foot." Madeline Albrecht wears size 30 shoes and the title "Modern Cinderella" - she has the smallest foot in the world. In men, foot problems occur 4 times less often than in women. Most likely, this is due to the fact that 90% of the beautiful half of humanity wears uncomfortable shoes. Shoes were invented 5 million years ago during the Ice Age and were made from the skin of different animals. And the division of shoes into "right" and "left" took place much later in Rome. The usual system of determining the size of shoes adopted by the English King Edward II. Then and now it was calculated by the diameter of the grain (0.838 cm - 1 size). In ancient China, women with large legs could not get married, so girls from childhood were bandaged legs to prevent them from growing. Feet were injured, the girls became disabled, and in 1912 bandage was finally banned. When you get back on your feet after sleep, their size doubles. If you run, the pressure in your legs is 4 times your own weight. Legs grow faster in hot weather, during adolescence and during pregnancy. It is recommended to buy shoes in the afternoon, as the legs are swollen. Please note that fungal diseases, plantar warts, lichens and epidermophytitis of the foot can be picked up in public showers and pools, if you do not wear your replacement shoes.
Source: estet-portal.com
On average, a person takes about 10 thousand steps a day, and if you count their number for a lifetime, these steps will be enough to go around the globe 4 times. In the legs are 25% of all bones. 250,000 sweat glands, which produce 400 ml of sweat per day, are also located on the legs. Matthew McGrory steps on the ground in a size 65 shoe with the proud title of "World's Biggest Foot." Madeline Albrecht wears size 30 shoes and the title "Modern Cinderella" - she has the smallest foot in the world. In men, foot problems occur 4 times less often than in women. Most likely, this is due to the fact that 90% of the beautiful half of humanity wears uncomfortable shoes. Shoes were invented 5 million years ago during the Ice Age and were made from the skin of different animals. And the division of shoes into "right" and "left" took place much later in Rome. The usual system of determining the size of shoes adopted by the English King Edward II. Then and now it was calculated by the diameter of the grain (0.838 cm - 1 size). In ancient China, women with large legs could not get married, so girls from childhood were bandaged legs to prevent them from growing. Feet were injured, the girls became disabled, and in 1912 bandage was finally banned. When you get back on your feet after sleep, their size doubles. If you run, the pressure in your legs is 4 times your own weight. Legs grow faster in hot weather, during adolescence and during pregnancy. It is recommended to buy shoes in the afternoon, as the legs are swollen. Please note that fungal diseases, plantar warts, lichens and epidermophytitis of the foot can be picked up in public showers and pools, if you do not wear your replacement shoes.
Source: estet-portal.com