15 things only understand antisocial people

From anti-social people, it would seem that everything is much simpler: they do not need much contact with the world around, and this means that problems in life should be smaller. But this is not so. Read this list of things that unite all anti-social people. Sure, some of them will see and himself.
You refuse to work with people and will choose this only in a pinch. The best option is freelancing.
You rarely complain, and to avoid unnecessary conversations, listening to opinions and advice.
You often avoid eye contact or excessive smiles, not to take an interest in people and not to make contact.
You like books and gadgets in which you spend most of free time.
Call you shy, but in fact you mostly just care about communication with others.
Do you understand the difference between snobbery and the desire to remain in their own thoughts.
You do not seek to be the center of attention, but in the family and between close friends are often the leader.
You don't like talking on the phone and prefer to text or chat on the Internet.
Sometimes you lock yourself up in your room for months.
You dream about moving to a country where everyone respects the peace.
You think the people around talking too loud and work too fast.
You tired of shopping, do you prefer shopping on the Internet.
You are much more comfortable to peruse online. Answer you with a delay.
You often can't get both the headset when I meet a friend on the street.
You realize that actually you are not "antisocial", just a quiet observer of the world.
Source: globalscience.ru