The easiest way to get rid of lice at home

Annoying little gnats of the same stuff. They can stay at home, to hover over plants, or food and his constant fuss literally bring you to rabies. And because nothing can be done about it! Although... we Know one way that can help you.

If you have noticed small flying insects in your home, then it is likely the fruit fly (Drosophila) that like to eat fruits and vegetables. They multiply with great speed, so fighting with them is better not to delay.

The first thing to find out what was the "epicenter" of reproduction. This is probably left on the table fruit, damp sack of potatoes or have not mytoe trash. Eliminating this cause (that is, removing all the unnecessary or bringing the trash in order), you can prevent further breeding of insects, which in itself is 50% of success.

Then you have two options. The first is to wait until the fruit flies will die its natural death. And second, much faster — to make them a special trap, which can then be disposed of with insects. For this you will need: a container (e.g. glass jar or plastic Cup), paper, gum, scissors and a tasty bait for fruit flies in the form of any fruit or vegetable.

Further operate according to the videos:


Source: /users/1077


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