Worm Taenia taeniformis powered cats who are infected them, hunting mice that did not pass health inspection. The size of the record copy was 25 at 6 cm. The head of the worm (or something that can be such a stretch to consider) is provided with a suction cup, through which the worm is strengthened in the intestines of the victim and feeds on sap semidigested food. Since his digestive system had no food it absorbs directly through the skin. Can be transmitted to man - yet another reason to gently treat cats.
Roth black gnats Simulum provided with several blades, by which conveniently cut your skin and drink warm, invigorating blood. Say thank you, that do not live in Africa - where black midges are vectors of parasites, infection which leads to blindness. We just midge bite.
Trihomonus. Well, you know
Bed bugs Cimex lectularius may swell to several times, get drunk blood. Record fixed specimens reach gigantic size 10 by 7 cm. This is despite the fact that the length of the usual bug of not more than 5 mm.
In Ixodes - ticks - only females carry the disease. Males do not bite, do not drink the blood - they have other concerns. For example, here's fertilize a female (pictured it - orange, he - green). The male clings to eat breakfast and the lady throws a capsule on her body, then the head and legs compacts capsule in beauty.
Pubic lice - Phthirus pubis - strictly follows the mode of its nutrition and lunch five times a day. Since the body of one of the patient is usually placed several hundred lice, and all have dinner at different times, the itch does not stop at all. While you can not buy a gray mercury ointment.
Hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech as she knows how to make a clear triangular incisions perfectly anaesthetizes (allocates substance into the wound to the victim calmly swam on and did not suspect anything) and injected into the body of anticoagulants (that blood does not clot, and flowed easily into a wide open mouth .
The head louse - Pediculus humanus capitis - a real actress world parasites. When trying to find her in the head, she effectively play dead.
Dust Mites - Sarcoptes - millions live in mattresses, carpets and furniture. Done nothing wrong, roam the countryside and pick leafless with you pieces of skin (you, by the way, it is not necessary). But cause allergies, expressed in spasms of the airways - and therefore dangerous to legochnikov and other asthmatics. Ticks do not tolerate high altitude, so sanatorium so often build in the mountains.
Larva Demodex Folliculorum - Zheleznitsa acne. This mite lives in the hair follicle glands in person - usually on the eyelids, temples, in the nose and ears. Eats bacon. Thy. And more dead cells. It can handle the needs there, where he lives - and some people sometimes allergic to his feces, acne and hair loss.
Total of 7 days is required nit head lice to hatch. And join their relatives involved nelegim thing biting your head

Roth black gnats Simulum provided with several blades, by which conveniently cut your skin and drink warm, invigorating blood. Say thank you, that do not live in Africa - where black midges are vectors of parasites, infection which leads to blindness. We just midge bite.

Trihomonus. Well, you know

Bed bugs Cimex lectularius may swell to several times, get drunk blood. Record fixed specimens reach gigantic size 10 by 7 cm. This is despite the fact that the length of the usual bug of not more than 5 mm.

In Ixodes - ticks - only females carry the disease. Males do not bite, do not drink the blood - they have other concerns. For example, here's fertilize a female (pictured it - orange, he - green). The male clings to eat breakfast and the lady throws a capsule on her body, then the head and legs compacts capsule in beauty.

Pubic lice - Phthirus pubis - strictly follows the mode of its nutrition and lunch five times a day. Since the body of one of the patient is usually placed several hundred lice, and all have dinner at different times, the itch does not stop at all. While you can not buy a gray mercury ointment.

Hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech as she knows how to make a clear triangular incisions perfectly anaesthetizes (allocates substance into the wound to the victim calmly swam on and did not suspect anything) and injected into the body of anticoagulants (that blood does not clot, and flowed easily into a wide open mouth .

The head louse - Pediculus humanus capitis - a real actress world parasites. When trying to find her in the head, she effectively play dead.

Dust Mites - Sarcoptes - millions live in mattresses, carpets and furniture. Done nothing wrong, roam the countryside and pick leafless with you pieces of skin (you, by the way, it is not necessary). But cause allergies, expressed in spasms of the airways - and therefore dangerous to legochnikov and other asthmatics. Ticks do not tolerate high altitude, so sanatorium so often build in the mountains.

Larva Demodex Folliculorum - Zheleznitsa acne. This mite lives in the hair follicle glands in person - usually on the eyelids, temples, in the nose and ears. Eats bacon. Thy. And more dead cells. It can handle the needs there, where he lives - and some people sometimes allergic to his feces, acne and hair loss.

Total of 7 days is required nit head lice to hatch. And join their relatives involved nelegim thing biting your head
