Reasons to love your microbes
The thought of the germs on the skin that causes us the willies. Meanwhile, we know very little about them.
At the conference, TedMed, scientist Jonathan Aisen told about the results of their research of microbial communities. Here are the most interesting of his conclusions:
They are useful
Not all germs are harmful. Most of them are harmless and some even useful.
They are all around us and inside us
Microbes form around us, "microbial cloud".
They outnumber us
In this cloud on our body and inside it 10 times more bacterial cells than cells of the person.
They are a major part of ourselves
Microbes weigh more than our brain.
They are very different
In the us many different types of microbes. These different types are in different parts of the body.
They support our health
On the body of each person to live their types of microbes. Perhaps it affects health.
... in different ways
Microbes interact with our bodies in different ways. Any changes can start an immune response which causes the disease.
They are with us from the beginning
The child at birth, picks up microbes from the mother. These microbes may be different, depending on the circumstances of birth.
Thank you, mom!
The child is more at risk if he was born through a cesarean section because it can pick up harmful bacteria.
They affect our health in different ways
Bacteria affect us in several ways: help the immune system and fight against pathogens that affect the metabolism, smell and even behavior.
So don't kill them!
Germophobia (fear of germs; approx. mixstuff.ru) in children is associated with obesity, autoimmune diseases and other problems.
They get into us through food
The effect of probiotics is based on the following principle: when we take into beneficial bacteria, our health improves.
They are not just for us
This is similar to the well-known theory of why some animals eat feces in order to obtain the normal bacteria to fight the disease.
This built-in community
Scientists are studying the ways to transfer these "communities of microbes" from healthy donors to sick people.
They fu-u-staticheskie!
...and one of the ways is to transfer the germs from the excrement. This method of migration could help in the treatment of C-diff infection, causing severe diarrhea. The reason for this infection may be the antibiotics.
They help us to live long and prosper
Think of the microbes as organs of the body and maintain them in good condition.
Source: /users/104