About the meaning of life
Thirty one million eight hundred seventeen thousand six hundred four
Before each of us at one particular time the questions the resolution of which is almost the goal of life itself. Who am I? Why should I? And one particular question began to arise in my mind How I was living.
I thought, is the whole meaning of my life is to meet the vital functions (food, sleep, sex )? Oh, and I earn money to be able even better to meet their vital functions. What a nonsense. Well, what's the point? Well, what, sorry, my life different from the life of gnats? (On TV has recently shown. Life flies lasts 20 minutes. Was born, ate, reproduced and died.)
Of course, my life is not primitive. It is still so much fuss, mistrust, fear, misunderstanding and suffering. Life flies looks happier.
I also managed to cause so much pain to people. And more those whom I love the most. Strange kind of love it. Was not myself. I have always been straightforwardness and honesty ( so I thought ). But only my truth was directed towards the other person and never on yourself. ( Remember the log in your eye.) And when I began to think about it, I realized what was lacking in my life.
I made a desperate attempt to turn to face him. I admit, to make such a move, I had to gather my courage. The first reaction was shocking. I was amazed at their selfishness. But I've never considered myself a selfish who only think about their convenience and comfort, stepping over all. But want to change their lives, we must try to tell yourself the truth. About yourself. No judges, no prosecutors and lawyers. No one can hear. But why is it so hard to tell yourself the truth and see yourself like you have, throughout the "glory"?
The first step was followed by the second. It wasn't so scary. But still unpleasant. It is said that truth is bitter.
It's like a drug that doesn't have to be tasty. And to recover from the lies and deceit you need to take these pills "before", "during" and "after".
And, you know, helps.
After all, you want to live the life of a human being, not to envy the flies.
Source: www.ipslabs.net/feed/
Before each of us at one particular time the questions the resolution of which is almost the goal of life itself. Who am I? Why should I? And one particular question began to arise in my mind How I was living.
I thought, is the whole meaning of my life is to meet the vital functions (food, sleep, sex )? Oh, and I earn money to be able even better to meet their vital functions. What a nonsense. Well, what's the point? Well, what, sorry, my life different from the life of gnats? (On TV has recently shown. Life flies lasts 20 minutes. Was born, ate, reproduced and died.)
Of course, my life is not primitive. It is still so much fuss, mistrust, fear, misunderstanding and suffering. Life flies looks happier.
I also managed to cause so much pain to people. And more those whom I love the most. Strange kind of love it. Was not myself. I have always been straightforwardness and honesty ( so I thought ). But only my truth was directed towards the other person and never on yourself. ( Remember the log in your eye.) And when I began to think about it, I realized what was lacking in my life.
I made a desperate attempt to turn to face him. I admit, to make such a move, I had to gather my courage. The first reaction was shocking. I was amazed at their selfishness. But I've never considered myself a selfish who only think about their convenience and comfort, stepping over all. But want to change their lives, we must try to tell yourself the truth. About yourself. No judges, no prosecutors and lawyers. No one can hear. But why is it so hard to tell yourself the truth and see yourself like you have, throughout the "glory"?
The first step was followed by the second. It wasn't so scary. But still unpleasant. It is said that truth is bitter.
It's like a drug that doesn't have to be tasty. And to recover from the lies and deceit you need to take these pills "before", "during" and "after".
And, you know, helps.
After all, you want to live the life of a human being, not to envy the flies.
Source: www.ipslabs.net/feed/
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