Why never forget your first love
Why do we continue to remember her first love, regret, unfulfilled dream or unfulfilled promise, again and again in your head word, which wanted and could not say?
The answer to these complicated questions has been found almost 100 years ago.
In 1924, at the Department of psychology of the philosophical faculty of the Berlin University, was made a scientific discovery, which is called the "Zeigarnik effect".
Imagine that you are a member of a scientific experiment that conducts a young psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik.
Except you in the experience involved 164 people - students and teachers of the University.
you have unfinished figure.
As a result of experiments it was proved that the pending actions are remembered by almost two times better than completed.
It is this feature of our memory is called "Zeigarnik effect".
Beauty is perfect, so it doesn't touches the deepest emotions.
Source: www.eco-green-vita.com
The answer to these complicated questions has been found almost 100 years ago.
In 1924, at the Department of psychology of the philosophical faculty of the Berlin University, was made a scientific discovery, which is called the "Zeigarnik effect".
Imagine that you are a member of a scientific experiment that conducts a young psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik.
Except you in the experience involved 164 people - students and teachers of the University.
- You give the job to sculpt a dog out of clay.
you have unfinished figure.
- Another time you glue the paper flowers, and you are given to complete the work.
- For several weeks you make 22 crafts.
- At the end of the experiment you are asked to remember their products.
- It turns out that unfinished dog I remember much better than the completed flower.
As a result of experiments it was proved that the pending actions are remembered by almost two times better than completed.
It is this feature of our memory is called "Zeigarnik effect".
- The point is that at the beginning of any action we feel tension.
- When it was over, the tension passes.
- But if the work is not completed, the charge is stored, and with it great memories.
- To teach, for example, recruits in the army in time to finish dinner and go to bed on time, they are without mercy raise from the table before he could finish, and woken in the middle of the night.
- Product to remember, the ad must contain a reticence to create tension.
- Getting rid of stress is only one way - by making a purchase.
Beauty is perfect, so it doesn't touches the deepest emotions.
- But stinging mockery, the urgency to remember, return to the object, causing strong feelings - surprise, indignation, irritation.
- Most Hollywood movies with a traditional happy ending is erased from memory immediately at the end of the credits, but the tape with an unexpected ending, or even without isolation in the memory for years to come.
- Unsolved murders of presidents and celebrities excite the minds of the next generation, while solving crimes be forgotten in a few years.
- Do not tell your loved one all their secrets.
- Remain for him a mystery.
- Let there always be a little bit of reticence.
Source: www.eco-green-vita.com