HIV beat cancer, seven year old girls
The doctors from Philadelphia made a huge breakthrough in medicine. They were able to cure cancer 7-year-old girl with HIV. Specialists reprogrammed the human immunodeficiency virus so that it is 20 days cured the little girl, to live where you remained two days.
Emily Whitehead from new Jersey for two years fought with a diagnosis of lymphoblastic leukemia with chemotherapy and radiation sessions. Unfortunately, the treatment did not produce the desired results, the doctors prescribed the girl a serious operation for a bone marrow transplant. However, before the baby had a relapse. Then on recovery was given up, and Emily had been counting down the days to failure of all organs.
The only hope the girl's parents were cancer center Philadelphia, USA, which experts suggested an experimental treatment which they called CTL019-therapy. The technique consisted in modifying the virus to change its genetic code. That is, the T-cell does not affect healthy tissue, destroying cancer. Healthy lymphocytes do not participate in the fight. Infected T-cells recognize cancer cells due to protein CD19. Treatment is very dangerous and painful, but another chance for Emily was not.
After hitting the modified virus in the body of a little girl of her General condition has improved after only 2 hours. His breathing had slowed, temperature and pressure also remained normal. 3 weeks later from cancer is not gone, girl and today is completely healthy. The latest tests showed that her body can protect T cells.
Source: estet-portal.com
Emily Whitehead from new Jersey for two years fought with a diagnosis of lymphoblastic leukemia with chemotherapy and radiation sessions. Unfortunately, the treatment did not produce the desired results, the doctors prescribed the girl a serious operation for a bone marrow transplant. However, before the baby had a relapse. Then on recovery was given up, and Emily had been counting down the days to failure of all organs.
The only hope the girl's parents were cancer center Philadelphia, USA, which experts suggested an experimental treatment which they called CTL019-therapy. The technique consisted in modifying the virus to change its genetic code. That is, the T-cell does not affect healthy tissue, destroying cancer. Healthy lymphocytes do not participate in the fight. Infected T-cells recognize cancer cells due to protein CD19. Treatment is very dangerous and painful, but another chance for Emily was not.
After hitting the modified virus in the body of a little girl of her General condition has improved after only 2 hours. His breathing had slowed, temperature and pressure also remained normal. 3 weeks later from cancer is not gone, girl and today is completely healthy. The latest tests showed that her body can protect T cells.
Source: estet-portal.com
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