Spinach helps to lose weight

According to the findings of scientists from the University of Lund (Sweden), spinach can be an effective tool for weight loss due to its ability to inhibit the addiction to fast food and sweets.
The researchers base their conclusions on a survey of 38 overweight women. Watching the patients, experts found that spinach extract containing thylakoid promotes weight loss by almost 43 per cent, reducing food cravings by 95%. Experiments have shown that reception of tylakoids enhances the body's production of satiety hormones and suppresses hunger which leads to better appetite control, healthier eating habits and increased weight loss.
Participants received either a green drink containing 5 grams of the extract, or a placebo. Professor Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson, who controlled the study, said: "Our analysis shows that the beverage containing thylakoid, before Breakfast reduces cravings for food and maintains a feeling of satiety all day. If the control groups lost an average of 3.5 kg, women who were given a thylakoid lost 5 kg." Tilleda group also showed that participants found it easier to stick to three meals a day, and they felt no craving for snacking.
Source: nauka24news.ru/