Pay attention to your health during magnetic storms

Doctors warn that 5 magnetic storms are expected in September. Learn what to do to make you feel good these days.

If you are a weather-sensitive person, pay attention to your health on September 13, 14, 15, 17 and 27.

These days. .

Exclude from the diet fatty, flour and canned dishes. They increase cholesterol levels, thicken blood and can provoke the formation of blood clots and headaches.

Eat vegetables and fruits, drink mineral water to improve blood circulation.

Don't overeat. An overloaded digestive tract “pulls” blood on itself, from which the brain and heart suffer from oxygen starvation.

Avoid unnecessary stress – both physical and psychological. Give up sports, try to avoid stressful situations and do not allow overwork.

Take a contrast shower. This procedure improves blood circulation.

Breathe fresh, cool air. Be sure to walk on such days, at work periodically ventilate the room.



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