A laboratory, almost completely isolated from external magnetic fields

The magnetic field permeating the Earth and the entire Solar system quite easily penetrate through matter. Therefore, the creation of an area of space completely devoid of magnetic fields is quite challenging. However, an international group of physicists managed to develop the magnetic barrier, which is more than a million times weaken even the most low-frequency magnetic fields. Using this technology, scientists have created a region of space in which there is a magnetic field strength which it is impossible to measure even the most high-precision instruments. And in this space will be carried out scientific experiments and measurements that require the absence of any extraneous fields.
Magnetic field of different forces exist everywhere in the Universe. And on Earth to us are the magnetic fields not only of natural but also of artificial origin. The average strength of the magnetic field of the Earth is 48 microtesla, and the field overlap of the magnetic fields produced by transformers, motors, metal constructions and other works of human hands.

A group of scientists, led by Professor Peter Fierlinger (Peter Fierlinger) from the technical University of Munich (Technische Universitat Munchen, TUM), built in one of the laboratories of the University town of Garching, some kind of room, with a volume of 4.1 cubic meters, in which the constant and variable magnetic fields are effective millions of times less than outside this room. This was achieved through the use of a magnetic barrier, which is made of several layers of different metal alloys. The suppression of the magnetic field of these barriers is so great that the strength of the magnetic field in the recording room is less than the strength of the magnetic field on the borders of the Solar system. And the strength of the magnetic field inside the room is more than ten times less than that achieved in other places.
Such a drastic suppression of the magnetic fields is a necessary condition for many experiments that require high accuracy, not only in physics but also in medicine, in biology and in other fields of modern science. In the field of fundamental physics such a high degree of suppression of magnetic fields will allow scientists to measure quantitative indicators very weak effects and phenomena, which, however, affected earlier and now continue to influence the global processes of development of the Universe.
Having at its disposal a space, almost devoid of magnetic fields, physicists have begun preparations to conduct an experiment to determine the distribution of electric charge in the neutron is known to physicists under the term electric dipole moment. Neutrons are electrically neutral subatomic particles have a tiny magnetic moment. They consist of three quarks, the charges of which balance each other.

However, scientists suspect that the neutron has a very small electric dipole moment, which, unfortunately, the measure does not provide due to lack of precision scientific equipment. The new space is devoid of magnetic fields, provides all the necessary conditions for carrying out such measurements. This will raise the accuracy at least 100 times and will give scientists the opportunity for direct studies of the phenomenon, which exists only in theory.
"The experiment that we are about to have will be of great importance for fundamental physics of elementary particles. In addition, the results may be a gateway into the hitherto unexplored region of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics" explains Peter Fierlinger, "Our future high-precision experiments will be a good addition experiments produced in existing particle accelerators. Since we investigate particles in these energy ranges that lie far beyond the capabilities of even the Large Hadron Collider".
In addition to research with neutrons, the researchers plan to conduct a search for the new currently unknown exotic particles can modify the properties of people already known particles. And these searches will be carried out by measuring the small deviations from the standard characteristics of already known particles, including their magnetic properties.published
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Source: www.dailytechinfo.org