Mountain goats have inspired the student to create a prosthetic for rock climbers

Usually climbing is a taboo for those who are forced to walk with a prosthesis. The reason for this is that most of the prostheses are not designed to conquer mountain peaks, but this does not mean that people should abandon favorite activities.
A student of Pratt Institute, USA Kai Lin (Kai Lin) has developed a prosthesis designed specifically for climbing, which was named Klippa. During the design of the prosthesis Kai Lin was inspired by the anatomy of mountain goats, which are the best climbers in the world.

However, the development of his project was due not only to the study of animals. During creation of the prosthesis, the Creator spent a large amount of research in the field of human climbing, learning the basic types of movements there often.
Kai combined experience of people and animals and created a prosthesis that has the hoof of the goat and the anatomy of the human foot. The hooves are an important part of climbing goats, as they allow the animal a lot better to move around the rocks.

At the moment, Kai has established mass production of the prosthesis, but he hopes that his invention will appeal to people who want to go climbing, but do not have this ability.
Source: hi-news.ru