Ossur bionic prosthesis controlled by thought

At a press conference held yesterday in Copenhagen, the manufacturer of prostheses Ossur presented its new development. It is a system of sensors and the prosthesis, which allows a person to control his mental prosthesis. The technology, called MyoElectric Sensor (IMES) , allows a person to control a prosthesis Proprio Foot roughly the same as its own foot. As can be understood from the description of the operation of the prosthesis, its media management system should not be hard to generate a thought like, "and is now taking a step forward." Management is at the level of reflexes. Signal cord - prosthetic works.
This is completely absent lag, delay, as is the case with many other working bionic prostheses. In other models, the prosthesis is attached directly to the remainder of the limb muscles. As a result, the human brain produces a signal triggered muscle and nerve endings, and then starts the prosthesis, which receives all the signals. The system Proprio Foot is different.

Here, firstly, the minimum surgery. The surgeon about 15 minutes sets the balance sensors limbs (usually the attachment operation of the prosthesis takes time), and once the prosthesis can be fixed (it does not connect with any muscles or nerves). Wireless sensors, they get nervous system signal, and transmits the signal to the prosthesis, which immediately begins to work.

According to human experience this prosthesis in the first minute of the test he wept because for 11 years he has used conventional prostheses, and there was virtually a new leg. Now Gudmundur Olafsson experiencing prosthesis working with him for 14 months. After a while, begin large-scale clinical trials of the system, and after 3-5 years prosthesis placed on the market.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/250750/
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