15 incredible scientific breakthroughs

line between science fiction and science leveled more and more every day. 200 years ago, people would have been shocked by the technological advances of the 21st century. Airplanes, cars and smartphones - it today will not surprise anyone, but it is undeniable that without these inventions further development would be impossible. We offer a review of recent scientific and medical advances that a few years ago seemed nerealnymi.15. The printer format 3D

A 3D printer for a long time at the hearing, but never ceases to amaze their capabilities. Use it to create objects of a different nature, from chemical to rubber and metal. You can select the desired program, such as tailoring footwear, cars, weapons and prosthetics, and the printer performs zadachu.14. Dental patches of Yaponii

Dentist soon will not be needed, as Japanese scientists have developed patches of special strength, which is put on the teeth and protect against various types of damage, including tooth decay. They are made of the basic enamel and minerals will be available on the market in a few years. They also have other properties: cosmetic effect to achieve the perfect white teeth, practicality primenenii.13. Meat grown in a laboratory usloviyah

Vegetarians will soon be able to treat yourself to a meat animal origin. Today it is very expensive. It is grown in vitro only a few cells of the animal. For the first time this experiment was conducted by Dutch scientists in 2013. This technology can help people with muscular patologiey.12. Robot on organic toplive

For the operation of various types of robots consume energy. Traditional sources now believe electricity and hydrocarbon fuels. Robots of the near future, for example, EATR (Energy Independence tactical robot) will run on fuel of organic origin. The robot itself can feed themselves and, consequently, a long time rabotat.11. Mice with human cells mozga

Mankind has long been studying stem cells and are still struggling with the moral and ethical dilemma, because they receive them from embryos. Human stem cells can cure many diseases. Recently, they were implanted into the brains of mice. As a result, the animals developed otdely.10 additional functionality. Miniature drony

While this sounds like science fiction, drones are now becoming the main participants of military operations. The smallest robot, is considered "Micro air vehicle". This drone is only 15 cm long. Scientists promise that soon there will be drones the size of insects. In a dystopian future wars will be fought on the computers, all written in the book fantastov.9. Cell spray kozhi

Scientists and plastic surgeons from Australia, Marie Stone and Fiona Vuud began developing technology to help the victims, pluchit severe burns. Spray applied on the affected area of the skin, which in 75% of cases regenerates. The armed forces of the United States are already using this tehnologiyu.8. Silk from transgenic koz

Combining genes spiders and goats sounds like the plot of a fantastic story, but it is closer to reality than you might think. Nexia Biotechnology Company has successfully created transgenic goats with spider genes, capable of weaving webs, ultra-thin and ultraprochnogo material that is extracted from their milk. The resulting web is ten times stronger than steel, and can be used in prosthetics, and for the manufacture of light bronezhiletov.7. Camera pilyule

Many are familiar with such a horrible procedure as colonoscopy, but the new technology will make it absolutely simple - you just need to swallow a pill with a camera. Given Imaging Company has established a similar camera "PillCam". Already 1, 5 million patients have experienced this technology, but not in all countries it dostupna.6. Cloning endangered species zhivotnyh

Incredibly, scientists probably would not have seen the movie "Jurassic Park." Cloning is no surprise today. In Russia and South Korea, scientists have tried to clone mammoths. You can clone tilatsina and ibex. We hope that all is not doydet.5 to raptors. Prosthesis, controlled force mysli

Prosthetic limbs today are not properly developed, but new technologies based on the ideas of science fiction, intended to improve this area of medicine. Inventor scooter "Segway" founded the company has been developing prosthetic arm that can be controlled by thought, "DEKA arm". Electronic impulses through special sensors transmit a signal to the prosthesis, and it performs even complex tasks - the key opens the door. The prosthesis is improving all the time and will soon be available to needy patsientam.4. Robot anesteziolog

Distinctive features of the future are robots that do housework or very complex technological problems. A robot anesthesiologist finds application in medicine. During the operation, the role of the anesthesiologist is very important and difficult as it is to watch every minute of the patient. These functions will be performed by robots. Today they take part in operatsiyah.3. Wheelchair driving force mysli

Manage prosthesis attached to the body - is one thing, but to manage the chair, which is able to move the power of thought, it's incredible to be true. But these chairs will soon be available. Scientists of the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne developed and controlled by thought, and a computer chair that takes the simple commands, such as "" go forward "or" turn left ".2. Man with mikrochipom

Implantation of the chip sounds like something terrible from Orwell's "1984" or Huxley's "Brave New World". Microchip implanted for a long time pet to know their whereabouts, but the thought that did the same with people scared. It will allow to obtain medical information, if the person is unconscious, but with the same success, someone will be able to manage people in their tselyah.1. Bionic glaz

Sight to the blind, may have been only in the biblical period in the development of mankind, but today is a miracle was made possible by technology. Scientists for decades working to develop bionic eyes. In Australia, come to grips with these expensive technologies. While he can not 100% return sight to the blind people, but on the technology continue to work.