As caring friends decided to help his friend.
Interesting story about how caring friends decided to help his friend, lost his hand and produced for him Super prosthesis. Nakhodka friends of the patient was surprised even his doctor;) detailed photo below.
As a result of troubles in life and incompetence of domestic medicine one our friend became disabled,
namely lost his hand.
Since "normal prosthesis" can look through 1.5-2 months after surgery,
and the work of our comrade is closely linked with the emergence in humans,
it was decided to help someone and make for a temporary prosthesis superlёgky.
The basis was chosen liststroitelnogo foam which was raspilin into 2 parts
and glued foam, customize blank
Here's a piece left on hand
simple tool
the most costly part - a brush from manekena- 300r (BU)
aluminum bolt was found 15 cm to savokupit \ "hand \" and brush
We had a little grind, meddling and delayed.
Since the hardware of the brush is not well suited to our bolt
that's what happened
using a wide rubber bands do flexible elbow
Scotch tape for strength
from elbow pads rollerskoy protection and a pair of bolts do mobile and padded shoulder mount,
so as not pressed and rubbed
is expanded so as not to unwind and our friend somewhere in
business center or work has not fallen off the hand
type of
try on
for better contact with the clothes we pulled on a thick prosthetic medical hosiery item
the customer is satisfied!))
Total costs 300 rubles on the brush.

As a result of troubles in life and incompetence of domestic medicine one our friend became disabled,
namely lost his hand.
Since "normal prosthesis" can look through 1.5-2 months after surgery,
and the work of our comrade is closely linked with the emergence in humans,
it was decided to help someone and make for a temporary prosthesis superlёgky.
The basis was chosen liststroitelnogo foam which was raspilin into 2 parts
and glued foam, customize blank

Here's a piece left on hand

simple tool

the most costly part - a brush from manekena- 300r (BU)

aluminum bolt was found 15 cm to savokupit \ "hand \" and brush

We had a little grind, meddling and delayed.
Since the hardware of the brush is not well suited to our bolt

that's what happened


using a wide rubber bands do flexible elbow

Scotch tape for strength

from elbow pads rollerskoy protection and a pair of bolts do mobile and padded shoulder mount,
so as not pressed and rubbed

is expanded so as not to unwind and our friend somewhere in
business center or work has not fallen off the hand

type of


try on

for better contact with the clothes we pulled on a thick prosthetic medical hosiery item

the customer is satisfied!))
Total costs 300 rubles on the brush.

Often our expectations do not match reality.
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