25 Reasons to Avoid Vaccinations

A monthly child weighing 5 kg receives the same dose of the vaccine as a five-year child weighing 18 kg. Newborns with immature, undeveloped immune systems receive 5 times more dose (relative to body weight) than older babies.
International studies show that vaccination is one of the causes of SIDS - syndrome of unexpected infant death.
Almost always children's infectious diseases are benign and go away on their own. Apart from the fact that they lead to the development of indefinite immunity, while vaccination immunity is only temporary, so there is repeated vaccination.
Lifelong immunity is transmitted from the mother through the placenta to her unborn child, and vaccination immunity through the placenta is not transmitted.
There are no studies to find whether vaccines actually prevent disease. Morbidity graphs quickly show that vaccinations were introduced at the end of the epidemic period, when the disease was already in its final stages.
There are no long-term studies on vaccine safety. Only short-term checks are carried out, where the vaccinated subjects are compared with the group who received another vaccine. In fact, it is necessary to associate with a group of unvaccinated people.
Independent studies (Dutch and German) have found that vaccinated toddlers become sick even more than their unvaccinated peers. If you finish vaccinating children, their health improves markedly.
The child receives not one but many vaccinations. There are no studies to determine the effects of combined vaccines.
The pioneers of vaccination, who recommended great precautions before vaccinating the population, never promoted general vaccination.
Children are vaccinated simply because their parents are bullied. Vaccinating babies is the most profitable business for both vaccine manufacturers and doctors.
Children who are only on breast milk are injected with massive vaccine toxins, which contradicts any logic and science.
Vaccines contain toxic metals (mercury, aluminum), carcinogens, toxic chemicals, live and genetically modified viruses, serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, very poisonous decontaminants and excipients, untested drugs, none of which can be administered without harm to the body.
Vaccines contain blood serum not only of chimpanzees and other monkeys, but also of cattle, pigs, chickens, horses, and even human serum of blood and tissue extracted from aborted fetuses.
Death and permanent disability due to vaccinations are very common, and this is well understood by the medical community.
Most childhood contagious diseases have not enough serious consequences in the modern world. Most contagious diseases are not only occasionally unsafe, but they can play an important role in the development of a strong, healthy immune system. People who have not had measles have a higher incidence of certain skin diseases, degenerative diseases of bones and cartilage, certain tumors, while those who have not had mumps have a higher risk of ovarian tumors.
Many doctors say that childhood illnesses are necessary for training the immune system. By suppressing these diseases, we leave the immune system undeveloped, triggering the emergence of various autoimmune disorders, such as diabetes and arthritis, which are now epidemic.
In the United States, post-vaccination complications are recorded, and the government pays victims millions of dollars in compensation. In the CIS countries, you will not be compensated for anything, you will have to run to doctors and cure complications by buying expensive medicines.
The BCG vaccine (for tuberculosis) in America and Europe is recognized as completely ineffective and abandoned.
The oral polio vaccine (OPV) causes polio and other neurological and gastrointestinal disorders in toddlers.
Vaccination against hepatitis B, introduced not so long ago, is not created for babies at all, it is a vaccination against a sexually transmitted disease, which should be intended only for adults with chaotic sexual relations.
Tetanus serum contains both aluminum and mercury, as well as tetanus anatoxin - any of these components can cause irreparable damage to the human body.
The measles vaccine is a vaccine that often causes severe post-vaccination complications.
According to the results of various independent research papers, especially the Dutch and the last German, where vaccinated and unvaccinated babies are compared, it was found that vaccinated children are prone to asthma, dermatitis, allergies, hyperactivity, etc.
The effect of vaccines on the developing brain of a baby is very large and can lead to impaired speech, behavior and even dementia. A significant amount of research has shown that the practice of vaccinating babies can lead to serious brain damage through countless mechanisms. Since a baby’s brain develops rapidly from the third trimester of pregnancy to the age of 2, it is at serious risk.
The production of vaccines is the most profitable drug business. Billions of dollars are made by vaccine companies.
Source: gippokratlechit.com
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