Olga Kaliteevskaya: Life without vaccinations
Interview with a pediatrician Olga Igorevna Kaliteevskii (Saint Petersburg)
— Olga, could You tell our readers how you, a pediatrician, have formed such views, when You realize that you will not vaccinate Your children?
— I find it very easy to answer Your question. When I was 2 weeks old, my mom and our pediatrician advised to refrain from vaccination. This mother Board has performed in relation to my younger sister.
None of us have never regretted.
This state of Affairs since my childhood I considered normal and never really cared before until I had my own children. By the time I've finished Pediatric Institute.
I must say that at the Department of infectious diseases, we crammed the vaccination calendar, was held the types of vaccination complications, but serious argument in favor of vaccination as a way of combating the epidemic may sound. Met I and respectable literature on this subject, and impressive statistics.
With the birth of my firstborn I had to decide whether I should vaccinate their children. I hesitated. At this point an event occurred that wiped out all my doubts — a terrible tragedy in the family of our close friends.
First and only grandson of my mother's friends, a minion, handsome, a favorite and good three-year-old was diagnosed with acute leukemia. A connection with vaccination against measles was obvious to doctors, and for the family: after the ill-fated vaccination, the child had not been healthy a single day.
The next three years of his life Igor suffered painful and agonizing procedure – the removal of cerebral spinal fluid, bone marrow... drip... complications of IV drips... It became thick and clumsy from hormones, fearful and Moody... Died in 6 years. Unbaptized. Terrible to say, but it's true: his last words were a curse to the doctors.
Do I have to tell You about how I, a graduate of the Pediatric Institute and the young mother at the same time, I experienced this story. I knew that to have measles is not dangerous neither for life nor for the future of health.
Since then, I have listened carefully to the subject of vaccination, he studied literature, asked the old doctors, and thinking. Useful theoretical training – 5th year doing research work on immunity in the evenings sitting out in the laboratory of immunohematology at the sticky – Institute of blood transfusion.
— Yes, a terrible thing... And what did You advise Your patients having this experience?
— Long internship, advised was not necessary. Learned to work, learned a profession. Believe it or not, was in the Department of leukemia. She has attended such patients in the emergency room, asked moms who still remember them all. Was thinking. Compare dates. Have seen a definite connection with grafting. Professor Igor Mikhaylovich Vorontsov, lecture us, also pointed out in his monograph on the relationship of the leukemia vaccination. They witnessed evidence of this.
The next internship cycle took the theme of the report – sudden infant death syndrome. Couldn't make neither mind nor heart that this can happen – a healthy, strong baby suddenly dies in his crib. Studied, sat in the "publichka".
Not got to the bottom of the cause. And reported statistics, the results of post-mortem analyses, the assumptions of scientists. Found out recently: since then, in Japan canceled inoculations for children up to two years, there was not a single case of sudden infant death syndrome.
Another impression of the first year of clinical practice. One of our interns came in one morning to darker clouds – night have taken away on "Fast" its own three-month baby with a diagnosis of "encephalitis" (inflammation of the brain), via gender of the day after DTP vaccination.
The thrashing we got that day from our head, I'm sure, remember no one in our group. I will not name this woman, in my opinion, she is head of the Department, the more I will not repeat epithets, it is us, the greens, who can not think, awarded. But during the lesson she bow low.
— Here You just refute the widespread myth – say, all doctors advocate for vaccination. Many among such doctors that share Your views?
— Of course. Many pediatricians, especially oncologists, hematologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists – that is, those who are dealing with serious illnesses in children, are strongly opposed to an overload of the immune system, consider each shot a huge health risk. Many doctors come to such a point of view with years of experience.
— Please tell us about yourself. As You can without vaccination lived, how sick? Endured as children infection?
— He hasn't any children's infectious diseases, even chickenpox. Sister. Went to a kindergarten, studied in the massive two-shift school, went to summer camp. From the first year of medical school all classes are conducted in hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. – lack of contact never happened.
My unvaccinated children – the eldest is already 22 – suffered chickenpox, sick, to be honest, with the temperature, as expected. And coclusion was sick three, the youngest had not been born. Can't complain, hurt not heavy, even a two year old child.
If immunity not to spoil from the very beginning, it is even possible to count.
— Have You ever met in your practice unvaccinated children except their own? As a pediatrician, how do You assess their health, as they carry infectious diseases?
— Unvaccinated children are much, much higher than that considered, the statistics here cannot be trusted. "Infection-driven vaccination" — the naive babble of the Cabinet of infectious diseases. "Vaccinate 100% of the population – and erase from the face of the Earth once the plague!"- do these slogans and their authors, I don't know. I would, of course, not against the happiness of mankind, to rid the planet of persistent bacilli. But if it needs to sacrifice the health of your own child – sorry, the hand does not rise. Can't.
I personally, as a pediatrician, watching a lot of unvaccinated children. They are my joy and hope. Among these children there is chronically sick, they rarely go with health problems, often for help for the pool or with the question of what to take for a runny nose or something to treat the wound. Of all the childhood infections, they carry no more than two or three, and not one complication I have not seen.
Unfortunately, much more likely to see a different picture: a child is chronically ill, irritable, he has a variety of Allergy symptoms, frequent colds, adenoids, digestive disorders, night terrors, reduced attention – you name it, and it continued and continued to be taught "on the calendar". Child is not a tin soldier. One of the immune withstands the load, and the other breaks down. After all, in school, in sports, and in treatment, and in power in all spheres of children are differentiated: that, in weightlifting, this one for violin, and this is not in the room. And only vaccination for all one. Absurd!
This is the trouble of our nation. In developed countries, I know firsthand there is no vaccination with live vaccines, the screening of immunity before vaccination, and in the schools does not require medical records, including information about vaccinations. I stress once again: in school and in kindergarten take the child without asking for any medical documents! If the child has some health restrictions, the parents themselves reported.
-What would You say to parents who can't overcome their fear of the mumps, measles, etc.?
— Stop! Spare the child! And their fears treat a neurologist...
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See also: Vaccination probability. Part 1
Vaccination probability. Part 2
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/vselo?w=wall-21920914_8676
— Olga, could You tell our readers how you, a pediatrician, have formed such views, when You realize that you will not vaccinate Your children?
— I find it very easy to answer Your question. When I was 2 weeks old, my mom and our pediatrician advised to refrain from vaccination. This mother Board has performed in relation to my younger sister.
None of us have never regretted.
This state of Affairs since my childhood I considered normal and never really cared before until I had my own children. By the time I've finished Pediatric Institute.

I must say that at the Department of infectious diseases, we crammed the vaccination calendar, was held the types of vaccination complications, but serious argument in favor of vaccination as a way of combating the epidemic may sound. Met I and respectable literature on this subject, and impressive statistics.
With the birth of my firstborn I had to decide whether I should vaccinate their children. I hesitated. At this point an event occurred that wiped out all my doubts — a terrible tragedy in the family of our close friends.
First and only grandson of my mother's friends, a minion, handsome, a favorite and good three-year-old was diagnosed with acute leukemia. A connection with vaccination against measles was obvious to doctors, and for the family: after the ill-fated vaccination, the child had not been healthy a single day.
The next three years of his life Igor suffered painful and agonizing procedure – the removal of cerebral spinal fluid, bone marrow... drip... complications of IV drips... It became thick and clumsy from hormones, fearful and Moody... Died in 6 years. Unbaptized. Terrible to say, but it's true: his last words were a curse to the doctors.
Do I have to tell You about how I, a graduate of the Pediatric Institute and the young mother at the same time, I experienced this story. I knew that to have measles is not dangerous neither for life nor for the future of health.
Since then, I have listened carefully to the subject of vaccination, he studied literature, asked the old doctors, and thinking. Useful theoretical training – 5th year doing research work on immunity in the evenings sitting out in the laboratory of immunohematology at the sticky – Institute of blood transfusion.

— Yes, a terrible thing... And what did You advise Your patients having this experience?
— Long internship, advised was not necessary. Learned to work, learned a profession. Believe it or not, was in the Department of leukemia. She has attended such patients in the emergency room, asked moms who still remember them all. Was thinking. Compare dates. Have seen a definite connection with grafting. Professor Igor Mikhaylovich Vorontsov, lecture us, also pointed out in his monograph on the relationship of the leukemia vaccination. They witnessed evidence of this.
The next internship cycle took the theme of the report – sudden infant death syndrome. Couldn't make neither mind nor heart that this can happen – a healthy, strong baby suddenly dies in his crib. Studied, sat in the "publichka".
Not got to the bottom of the cause. And reported statistics, the results of post-mortem analyses, the assumptions of scientists. Found out recently: since then, in Japan canceled inoculations for children up to two years, there was not a single case of sudden infant death syndrome.
Another impression of the first year of clinical practice. One of our interns came in one morning to darker clouds – night have taken away on "Fast" its own three-month baby with a diagnosis of "encephalitis" (inflammation of the brain), via gender of the day after DTP vaccination.
The thrashing we got that day from our head, I'm sure, remember no one in our group. I will not name this woman, in my opinion, she is head of the Department, the more I will not repeat epithets, it is us, the greens, who can not think, awarded. But during the lesson she bow low.
— Here You just refute the widespread myth – say, all doctors advocate for vaccination. Many among such doctors that share Your views?
— Of course. Many pediatricians, especially oncologists, hematologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists – that is, those who are dealing with serious illnesses in children, are strongly opposed to an overload of the immune system, consider each shot a huge health risk. Many doctors come to such a point of view with years of experience.
— Please tell us about yourself. As You can without vaccination lived, how sick? Endured as children infection?
— He hasn't any children's infectious diseases, even chickenpox. Sister. Went to a kindergarten, studied in the massive two-shift school, went to summer camp. From the first year of medical school all classes are conducted in hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. – lack of contact never happened.
My unvaccinated children – the eldest is already 22 – suffered chickenpox, sick, to be honest, with the temperature, as expected. And coclusion was sick three, the youngest had not been born. Can't complain, hurt not heavy, even a two year old child.
If immunity not to spoil from the very beginning, it is even possible to count.

— Have You ever met in your practice unvaccinated children except their own? As a pediatrician, how do You assess their health, as they carry infectious diseases?
— Unvaccinated children are much, much higher than that considered, the statistics here cannot be trusted. "Infection-driven vaccination" — the naive babble of the Cabinet of infectious diseases. "Vaccinate 100% of the population – and erase from the face of the Earth once the plague!"- do these slogans and their authors, I don't know. I would, of course, not against the happiness of mankind, to rid the planet of persistent bacilli. But if it needs to sacrifice the health of your own child – sorry, the hand does not rise. Can't.
I personally, as a pediatrician, watching a lot of unvaccinated children. They are my joy and hope. Among these children there is chronically sick, they rarely go with health problems, often for help for the pool or with the question of what to take for a runny nose or something to treat the wound. Of all the childhood infections, they carry no more than two or three, and not one complication I have not seen.
Unfortunately, much more likely to see a different picture: a child is chronically ill, irritable, he has a variety of Allergy symptoms, frequent colds, adenoids, digestive disorders, night terrors, reduced attention – you name it, and it continued and continued to be taught "on the calendar". Child is not a tin soldier. One of the immune withstands the load, and the other breaks down. After all, in school, in sports, and in treatment, and in power in all spheres of children are differentiated: that, in weightlifting, this one for violin, and this is not in the room. And only vaccination for all one. Absurd!
This is the trouble of our nation. In developed countries, I know firsthand there is no vaccination with live vaccines, the screening of immunity before vaccination, and in the schools does not require medical records, including information about vaccinations. I stress once again: in school and in kindergarten take the child without asking for any medical documents! If the child has some health restrictions, the parents themselves reported.
-What would You say to parents who can't overcome their fear of the mumps, measles, etc.?
— Stop! Spare the child! And their fears treat a neurologist...
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement .
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See also: Vaccination probability. Part 1
Vaccination probability. Part 2
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/vselo?w=wall-21920914_8676