The 9 most controversial books in the world
Twenty eight million eight hundred sixty six thousand three hundred eighteen
1. Boris vian — I will come spit on your grave
The novel "I'll spit on your grave" created a real furore, it immediately became a bestseller. So far the total circulation of this novel more than the circulation of other works of Viana. The novel was written at the request of the publisher, a friend of Viana, whose business suffered losses. Soon, however, the novel was considered too bold, vulgar and even pornographic. Circulation burned, the society of the struggle for the morality of organized movement against the novel.
2. Henry Miller — tropic of cancer
The novel by Henry Miller, first published in Paris. Was banned in the US as pornographic.
The most famous and controversial novel major American novelist of the XX simultaneously is the first part of his autobiographical trilogy writer: "tropic of Cancer" "tropic of Capricorn", "Black spring". The book can be put on a par with the famous "Paris cycles" of Hemingway, Salinger, E. Limonov. It is a mixture of audacious sensuality, slim style and unique Miller of vitality in the language of cinema is embodied in a talented film F. Kaufman's "Henry and June".
3. Boris Pasternak — Doctor Zhivago
This epic love story of the war years, occurred during the Russian revolution was banned in the Soviet Union until 1988 for the implicit criticism of the Bolshevik party. When Pasternak was awarded the Nobel prize in literature, the indignation of his countrymen was so great, that he refused granted honor.
The novel, published in 1957, the home of Pasternak was published only after 31 years.
4. Gustave Flaubert — Madame Bovary
The novel "Madame Bovary" long considered one of the greatest ever written works. However, after the publication in 1857 he was accused of insulting morality. For the story, which is based on the love affair boring married women Flaubert and his publishers were brought to trial for obscenity, but later acquitted.
5. Franz Kafka — The Transformation
Salesman Gregor Samsa, who financially supports his parents and sister, wakes up and realizes that turned into a giant beetle. Gradually relatives forget about Gregor, who was once the darling of the family.
The work of Kafka were banned during the Nazi and Soviet regime and of the independent Czechoslovakia, as Kafka refused to write in Czech and wrote only in German.
6. Bret Easton Ellis — American psycho
Most, including scandalous fame gets published in 1991, Ellis's novel American psycho. Even before its release, the book is strong protests from some public organizations, who accused the author of promoting violence and misogyny. On the other hand, in support of Ellis are prominent figures of American literature, for example, Norman mailer. Public discontent leads to a change of the publisher, however, "American psycho", albeit with a certain delay, is published. The novel is about a successful yuppie from wall street, Patrick Bateman commits (maybe only in their imaginations) bloody murder, becomes the event of the book market in the United States.
7. David Lawrence — lady Chatterley's Lover
The publication of the novel caused a big scandal associated with numerous explicit descriptions of scenes of a sexual nature and was at one time banned in different countries. The novel was repeatedly filmed. The author has created three versions of the novel and the last of them recognized the final.
8. Khaled Hosseini — the kite Runner
Best-selling debut novel by Khaled Hosseini, which tells about the friendship between two boys in Afghanistan, was partially banned in the US for sexual content (the book describes a rape scene) and insulting language. The film version of the book was also banned in Afghanistan over the image "in a negative light" ethnic groups in the country.
9. Salman Rushdie — the Satanic verses
"The satanic verses". For them Salman Rushdie was sentenced in absentia by Ayatollah Khomeini to death, which for many years was forced to hide.Caused a fierce protest of the Muslims. The Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini publicly cursed Rushdie in his fatwa and sentenced him and all those involved in publishing the book and know its contents to the death penalty, calling on Muslims around the world to execute the sentence. Since Ayatollah Khomeini died without revoking the sentence, he will remain in power forever, although it should be noted that for Sunni Muslims (that is, for the vast majority of Muslims in the world) fatwas of Shia theologians are not mandatory.
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