That was saving children in CCCP
That was saving children in the CCCP. Yes, we will talk about exactly what we saved. Collected, namely hoarding. Because always said: “give me this brand – I'm hoarding them”.
Twenty five million two hundred ninety eight thousand three hundred twenty one
Eighty five million seven hundred ninety two thousand nine hundred forty three
They were always standard – dirty-gold. Whether beer or lemonade – tin, and under it a white elastic, which makes the photo, holding tightly to the picture in the newspaper. Therefore, rarely occurring on the street colored tube was at a premium.
Forty eight million four hundred seventy nine thousand five hundred eighty eight
Seventy seven million nine hundred twenty seven thousand six hundred eighty nine
Five million nine hundred sixty five thousand three hundred thirty two
Perhaps collect stamps, just lazy. I also had a treasured scrapbook. Part of the brands inherited from the older brother, the part I traded for or bought it for pocket money. I just loved your stamps: airplanes, ships, cars, painting, medieval artists, which I learned the structure of the female body, berries, birds, people, person, cities – it was the whole world in one album.
Soviet, Polish, Cuban…
Forty eight million three hundred sixty seven thousand four hundred one
Not to say that I am fervently saving up badges yet was full of them in the button box, on the carpet, on the pennants on the chest, under the couch, toys…
Thirty seven million eight hundred thirty four thousand three hundred fifty one
In the USSR loved icons. Loved to do them, liked to give on any occasion, liked to buy. The parents are at work constantly received any badges. What honorable warriors, for social.the competition, for participation in the exhibition…
Two million five hundred ninety six thousand five hundred eighty six
The incentive system was extremely primitive and cheap. Scored, get a badge and be proud. And felt proud. Worked not for money but for the idea. And icon. Therefore icons were not many – there were so many. Different. And even funny.
Eight million six hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred twenty nine
Ninety one million two hundred sixty nine thousand eight hundred seven
Sixty eight million seven hundred twenty four thousand eight hundred ninety six
Eighty five million five hundred thirty nine thousand six hundred ten
Like the stamps, foreign or old coins that have been every. I do not believe if you say that you have not had Gdrovskih pfennigs, Bulgarian stotinki or Polish pennies. Coins of the countries of the socialist camp, the people were a lot – someone who served, someone rested, someone just was. And all the lucky coins, which quickly went on.
Four million seven hundred sixty five thousand seven hundred nine
And who, finding among these the mother of bread pre-reform coins “threefold” or “nickle” didn't put it in the cherished piggy Bank? These coins 30-50s is somehow different from post-reform. Curls, different number of ribbons on the coat of arms, letters, font... Remember the legendary movie “the money changers” – it is just about these coins.
Twenty nine million four hundred forty thousand three hundred ninety three
Well, girls it will probably be not so interesting, but the boys…
Forty seven million four hundred eighty one thousand forty nine
What you are experiencing from these machines?
Sixty million four hundred forty thousand two hundred twenty one
Forty four million six hundred seventeen thousand twenty five
Fifty three million one hundred fourteen thousand six
We appreciated every postcard found in the mailbox before March 8, 23 February, 1 may, birthday and New year. Each card was unique. Warm words, “Hello, my dear” at the beginning of “kisses” at the end... a Piece of warmth, heart and soul…
They were beautiful.
Forty two million four hundred sixty one thousand three hundred forty three
Ninety two million two hundred seventy four thousand nine hundred thirty
We didn't have calendars in the iPhone. So the birthdays of mom, dad, sister, brother, friend, girlfriend, doll, finally, we marked with a pen on paper calendars. They also had quite a lot to start to collect them.
Fifteen million eleven thousand nine hundred ninety five
One million three hundred fifty seven thousand six hundred ninety three
Sixty eight million eight hundred ninety thousand three hundred sixty
Another fashionable hobby was collecting and pasting of pictures, which they called “perevodilki”:
Eighty million nine hundred seventy seven thousand five hundred fifty four
Fifty eight million six hundred sixty two thousand six hundred fifty
Eighty million three hundred forty one thousand one hundred twenty one
Forty one million three hundred eighty seven thousand three hundred seven
And I saved the labels from matchboxes. And they even do not need to tear – collecting these little images in the Soviet Union was completely “legal” – in the “Soyuzpechat” could easily buy a set of labels.
Seventy six million five hundred fifty seven thousand one hundred twenty two
Sixty seven million two hundred eighteen thousand five hundred seventy four
Heart skipped a beat? Names of the 90s: "Pallmall", "Magna", "sovereign", "fine 120", "Lucky Strike", "Sea".
Forty eight million seven hundred two thousand seven hundred ninety six
How many who began to smoke, confess? I – 13. In the same year and left. Forever. Bought my first cigarettes was a “Rodopi”. Until then, I am ashamed to admit, collecting gobies, crumbled remains of the paper and resin under the balcony. For happiness was to find a menthol... I'm Ashamed to mention even…
But there is a pretty cool tutus – this little one was.
Fifty six million six hundred fifty two thousand seven hundred forty four
A wall could envy.
Ninety one million five hundred sixteen thousand eight hundred ninety five
Thirty four million four hundred ninety five thousand seven hundred thirty nine
Girls often collected candy wrappers.
Five million one hundred thirty two thousand three hundred thirty two
Sixty nine million four hundred forty four thousand five hundred eighty four
Thirty nine million four hundred sixty one thousand seventy two
Fifty two million four hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred thirty four
Seven million two hundred seventy eight thousand nine hundred thirty five
Among the Soviet gum, of course, did not have such diversity that came with the arrival of the 90s. However, they were. I think no one will find it difficult to recall rotfrontk “Coffee flavor”, “Mint”, “Orange”, “strawberry”.
Forty one million fifty seven thousand six hundred fifty eight
Sixty million one hundred twenty nine thousand sixty four
Ninety seven million five hundred forty eight thousand seven hundred forty two
Nine million seven hundred eighty two thousand five hundred fifty three
Forty five million six hundred sixty eight thousand six hundred seventy three
Two million three hundred fourteen thousand four hundred fifty
Thirty eight million two hundred twenty two thousand nine hundred forty six
Then the first “Terminator ” was only shown in our cinema on the big screen. Stickers episodes.
Ninety two million one hundred forty nine thousand seven hundred twenty three
Then on the TV show “Jurassic Park” and away we go....
source: daypic.ru
Source: /users/1080
Twenty five million two hundred ninety eight thousand three hundred twenty one
Eighty five million seven hundred ninety two thousand nine hundred forty three
They were always standard – dirty-gold. Whether beer or lemonade – tin, and under it a white elastic, which makes the photo, holding tightly to the picture in the newspaper. Therefore, rarely occurring on the street colored tube was at a premium.
Forty eight million four hundred seventy nine thousand five hundred eighty eight
Seventy seven million nine hundred twenty seven thousand six hundred eighty nine
Five million nine hundred sixty five thousand three hundred thirty two
Perhaps collect stamps, just lazy. I also had a treasured scrapbook. Part of the brands inherited from the older brother, the part I traded for or bought it for pocket money. I just loved your stamps: airplanes, ships, cars, painting, medieval artists, which I learned the structure of the female body, berries, birds, people, person, cities – it was the whole world in one album.
Soviet, Polish, Cuban…
Forty eight million three hundred sixty seven thousand four hundred one
Not to say that I am fervently saving up badges yet was full of them in the button box, on the carpet, on the pennants on the chest, under the couch, toys…
Thirty seven million eight hundred thirty four thousand three hundred fifty one
In the USSR loved icons. Loved to do them, liked to give on any occasion, liked to buy. The parents are at work constantly received any badges. What honorable warriors, for social.the competition, for participation in the exhibition…
Two million five hundred ninety six thousand five hundred eighty six
The incentive system was extremely primitive and cheap. Scored, get a badge and be proud. And felt proud. Worked not for money but for the idea. And icon. Therefore icons were not many – there were so many. Different. And even funny.
Eight million six hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred twenty nine
Ninety one million two hundred sixty nine thousand eight hundred seven
Sixty eight million seven hundred twenty four thousand eight hundred ninety six
Eighty five million five hundred thirty nine thousand six hundred ten
Like the stamps, foreign or old coins that have been every. I do not believe if you say that you have not had Gdrovskih pfennigs, Bulgarian stotinki or Polish pennies. Coins of the countries of the socialist camp, the people were a lot – someone who served, someone rested, someone just was. And all the lucky coins, which quickly went on.
Four million seven hundred sixty five thousand seven hundred nine
And who, finding among these the mother of bread pre-reform coins “threefold” or “nickle” didn't put it in the cherished piggy Bank? These coins 30-50s is somehow different from post-reform. Curls, different number of ribbons on the coat of arms, letters, font... Remember the legendary movie “the money changers” – it is just about these coins.
Twenty nine million four hundred forty thousand three hundred ninety three
Well, girls it will probably be not so interesting, but the boys…
Forty seven million four hundred eighty one thousand forty nine
What you are experiencing from these machines?
Sixty million four hundred forty thousand two hundred twenty one
Forty four million six hundred seventeen thousand twenty five
Fifty three million one hundred fourteen thousand six
We appreciated every postcard found in the mailbox before March 8, 23 February, 1 may, birthday and New year. Each card was unique. Warm words, “Hello, my dear” at the beginning of “kisses” at the end... a Piece of warmth, heart and soul…
They were beautiful.
Forty two million four hundred sixty one thousand three hundred forty three
Ninety two million two hundred seventy four thousand nine hundred thirty
We didn't have calendars in the iPhone. So the birthdays of mom, dad, sister, brother, friend, girlfriend, doll, finally, we marked with a pen on paper calendars. They also had quite a lot to start to collect them.
Fifteen million eleven thousand nine hundred ninety five
One million three hundred fifty seven thousand six hundred ninety three
Sixty eight million eight hundred ninety thousand three hundred sixty
Another fashionable hobby was collecting and pasting of pictures, which they called “perevodilki”:
Eighty million nine hundred seventy seven thousand five hundred fifty four
Fifty eight million six hundred sixty two thousand six hundred fifty
Eighty million three hundred forty one thousand one hundred twenty one
Forty one million three hundred eighty seven thousand three hundred seven
And I saved the labels from matchboxes. And they even do not need to tear – collecting these little images in the Soviet Union was completely “legal” – in the “Soyuzpechat” could easily buy a set of labels.
Seventy six million five hundred fifty seven thousand one hundred twenty two
Sixty seven million two hundred eighteen thousand five hundred seventy four
Heart skipped a beat? Names of the 90s: "Pallmall", "Magna", "sovereign", "fine 120", "Lucky Strike", "Sea".
Forty eight million seven hundred two thousand seven hundred ninety six
How many who began to smoke, confess? I – 13. In the same year and left. Forever. Bought my first cigarettes was a “Rodopi”. Until then, I am ashamed to admit, collecting gobies, crumbled remains of the paper and resin under the balcony. For happiness was to find a menthol... I'm Ashamed to mention even…
But there is a pretty cool tutus – this little one was.
Fifty six million six hundred fifty two thousand seven hundred forty four
A wall could envy.
Ninety one million five hundred sixteen thousand eight hundred ninety five
Thirty four million four hundred ninety five thousand seven hundred thirty nine
Girls often collected candy wrappers.
Five million one hundred thirty two thousand three hundred thirty two
Sixty nine million four hundred forty four thousand five hundred eighty four
Thirty nine million four hundred sixty one thousand seventy two
Fifty two million four hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred thirty four
Seven million two hundred seventy eight thousand nine hundred thirty five
Among the Soviet gum, of course, did not have such diversity that came with the arrival of the 90s. However, they were. I think no one will find it difficult to recall rotfrontk “Coffee flavor”, “Mint”, “Orange”, “strawberry”.
Forty one million fifty seven thousand six hundred fifty eight
Sixty million one hundred twenty nine thousand sixty four
Ninety seven million five hundred forty eight thousand seven hundred forty two
Nine million seven hundred eighty two thousand five hundred fifty three
Forty five million six hundred sixty eight thousand six hundred seventy three
Two million three hundred fourteen thousand four hundred fifty
Thirty eight million two hundred twenty two thousand nine hundred forty six
Then the first “Terminator ” was only shown in our cinema on the big screen. Stickers episodes.
Ninety two million one hundred forty nine thousand seven hundred twenty three
Then on the TV show “Jurassic Park” and away we go....
source: daypic.ru
Source: /users/1080
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Paintings iris grace, 5-year-old girl with an extraordinary talent