Led lamps – almost free

The government of India is planning through assistance to households and increase energy efficiency to begin to subsidize the transition of citizens to led lighting to improve energy consumption and reduce its consumption. Company Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) will be engaged as a wholesale supply and distribution to the population of led bulbs at preferential prices. The experiment begins from the southern province of Andhra Pradesh.
The lowest of presented at the time of the tender of suppliers ' prices on a single bulb was us $ 3.3, and the market price is close to $ 6,5 – with the cooperation of the authorities and EESL led energy-saving lamps will be distributed at a price of just $0,16. The only limitation – not more than two items per household.
The supplier will receive back their investments by electric companies that will see a reduction of energy consumption and EESL will pay the difference. To achieve its goals, the company has already purchased 2 million of led lamps, although even within Andhra Pradesh, the program must eventually affect 3.7 million households.
Source: greenevolution.ru