Psychology of men and dogs

© Sir Clement Raphael Freud
Recently my beloved went into a cafe, and she asked: "And what of you men? How you think and how you communicate better? How to please a man and how to understand man? And, most importantly, what to do and what not to do to a man you valued and respected?" When I said that men are simple creatures, much like dogs," she laughed, and then asked to write an article about it. So I wrote...
First. Almost all dogs and men are the same that love affection and attention.They like to be petted, "teasing behind the ear", praised.Dog, when it comes to their master, ran out to meet him, wagging his tail and shoving to be petted. Or, when on the street you see one of the hosts, with joyful barking and wild tail wagging rush to him in all his doggy treats, just to jump in on the bright pants with his hairy, dirty paws and lick master from head to toe and get a portion of petting and attention. Almost all dogs and men are like that. There are, of course, incredulous even to owners of dogs (again, you need to understand "why), and to the wives of men, but there are some.
The man came home, sometimes that's wife booty in the form of products, wages, dowry, no gifts, hvastanya its real, it happens, "slightly" embellished exploits. After that, he, of course, very, waiting to be patted on the head, hugged and said how they admire. If a woman smiles at the man, hugs him, glad that he brought, listening to his boasts, the third family of problems can already be considered solved.
But women, especially young ones, do not always meet and hug a man with a smile when he comes home. And, most importantly, not because it offended him, but because he did not understand how important this is!
— Well, I met him every day, and the day that this important? Well, today didn't hug, embrace tomorrow, how important?
It is important, very important. Periodically, I see the same situation. The dog ran away from the owner, and the owner should go home. He begins to chase the dog. Finally he caught her, or the dog itself approached the owner. What do different people then? Not very wise owner will break on the dog begins to thrash, to abuse. Because it's late and the dog doesn't want to go home. Next time he would run up to a dog twice as long. The wise owner of Pat the dog, maybe even give something tasty, after she ran up to him. Next time he'll just call her, and the dog is already running towards him.
Just as in theory, and how seldom this rule is observed in practice!
Second. Dogs love to do achievable and clear commands. Men love to perform for your favorite doable and understandable request.Dogs waiting for owners of teams, the teams should be workable for the dogs and easy to understand. Of course, after extended training, the dog understands the owner perfectly, but in the beginning you need to say is simple and easy to follow for dogs instructions.
The man just loves to do something for women. But it is desirable to: 1) her request was doable, a particular man, without excessive tension, so that they were clear to him; 2) requests should be spelled out repeatedly, just as 500 — 700, not to think that the man will realize himself something to do.
Do not strain men what they can't do it. From useless men require to make home repairs, if it is not able and quiet hates: better channel his energies into making money. This money will hire specialists, and the repairs will be done faster.
Another mistake, when a woman expects that the man will hear, "just talk to her", as her friend, about the problems. Don't expect from men, as from a friend that told about his problem, he you sympathize, and will not give tips with real recommendations on "how to correct the situation". Because he is male, nature at it such, handing out advice, he loves to do, and talk just heart to heart it can, if you're just discussing something with him. If you complain, then accept the fact that I will not hear the sympathy and the questions "what are you going to do?" this will be followed by recommendations and orders.
Well, it's a hit. I always wonder where women are taught to think that men can guess about what is important for a woman? Well, do not guess he will not guess. Well, do not understand it yourself, that women are important "broom", unfit even for sweeping the floor, which she calls a bouquet of flowers. If you are, of course, tell the man that the flowers are very important to you, then gradually he will begin to give.
According to the observations of my wife, it takes about 714 repetitions to a man remembered something and started to do what he wants from a woman. Again, if you require it regularly, persistently, but in a calm voice, but without shouting, tantrums and manipulation. Do not think that men don't understand that, therefore, there are women whose husbands are at the hands of what is called carry, and there are those who do nothing to a normal guy can't achieve. Start to respect yourself and your needs, then we will be able to achieve their performance.
Of the most common things a man "must guess," but does not know:
- he must have some idea to give a lady flowers
- guess to marry her
- to speak and to care for her after he made it
- help her in house responsibilities
- to protect from his parents
- more watch your hygiene, cleanliness in the house, etc.
In the first years of marriage, I could not understand what all the hype around the flowers, and now with pleasure give flowers to your wife, she's so happy! How can I now deprive yourself of the pleasure to be a hero and a breadwinner, um, do not wait.
Third. Dogs love all sorts of toys, especially for run and hunt etc.Men also like to play all sorts of games and toys, for which, or with which, you can run and hunt. Many of the men's game for women are: "Well, it's just really stupid!". After all, many of them men do to each other is very painful (Boxing, hockey), or do what can be done much easier and cheaper fishing, for example. Or do such "pointless" things like lifting barbells up and down, or push forward the arms and legs, shouting "yayayaya". Yes, it's probably silly, but I ask you to be men softer.
Of dogs and men quickly grow old, grow stupid, become very boring, fat and losing interest in life and its only woman. So, no need to interfere with men's games. It is better if the woman encourages them. Well, I'm not talking about if she is interested in them and even a little involved in them. A woman just falls into several points above other women. This is the answer to the question of my wife "How to enchant a man and marry him?"
Throw a couple of times on the weekends stick to dog could bring her back, ask about the car and your partner, listen carefully and memorize the name of the "internal machine" and you apart from the competition.
My wife is interested in and understands, and investment can spend hours to listen to me, and often asks questions that I don't always know the answer, or can notice what I saw. She wondered what was interesting to me, and so interested in me — and, for this reason alone, it is competition.
Of course, if possible, should promote the game, not stupid from the standpoint of women as other. For example, encourage the game of football, business, investments, science, not computer games, watching football on TV with a bottle of beer and sitting in the yard with friends to night.
Fourth. The dog loves to go in his kennel and lie down. And does not like the leash, particularly short.The dog can not continually run, it needs a periodic rest. So the man can work, play, or even to communicate with his beloved woman. He needs to be alone. Lie on the couch, etc. Allow yourself and him to be alone, and after a time he will come running to you longing, joyful and happy.
Dogs don't like the leash, particularly short. And if without a leash they do not let (chain dogs), then they become overly angry, and they have become rudimentary intelligence. However, there are many dogs that walk without a leash, and at the slightest call of the master with joy run to him.
And men. They don't like it when the women put on a leash, especially short. Where they went, where were, where you spent the ruble, why you said it, say it, do not say that, if such questions and instructions are performed, you want to run off the leash.
Fifth. Dog loves bones, and other tasty foods.Here, everything seems clear, but a few comments. Even if all your family agree that basically a woman cooks, it does not mean that the man does nothing. My wife is preparing itself, but it requires me to, I went to the store bought products, cut and cleaned vegetables, washed the dishes. Actively engage your man cooking and not complain.
And the second point do not overfeed the dog, that is man. The sooner you pay attention to it, the better and much easier. A hundred times more difficult to lose 20 extra pounds than not to gain excess weight.
Sixth. Most importantly — if dogs do not educate, they can dude, that, and climb dirty paws on the sofa, grabbing food from the table, bite their masters and their children, etc.Almost everyone knows that puppies, especially large and fighting dogs, it is necessary to thrash violently, even a hint of it trying to bite or growl at the owner or family members. Please note that even for a light bite, just growl for the owner should the dog be beaten into a pulp. If this is not done, then she can gently bite you. And then a little more then a child and sometimes impossible to do anything, and it only remains to euthanize a dog that with a different upbringing, would bring the owner joy.
And with men, especially strong and aggressive. Even a hint of disrespect for a woman should never be left unattended. Today you paid no attention to a slight hint of disrespect, "swallowed and pretended that will resolve itself", tomorrow it can manifest itself in larger form. And then just have to go with a man who in another treatment would carry you on hands all life together. And, of course, the stronger male character, and the less he was raised in childhood, the more you need to pay attention. If you do not pull a man in this question, consider whether you and him to live happily. It may be better to give it to another woman, and afford to take a less aggressive and strong man.
Author Rashid Kirsanov published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.psychologos.ru/articles/view/psihologiya_muzhchin_i_sobak
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