Breathing yoga for weight loss

Simple Exercises For Slimming
When it comes to losing weight through yoga, one hears: and that yoga will quickly make you slim/slender, or Vice versa, as the load on the heart in yoga is relatively small, so calories are burned slowly. Accordingly, with the help of yoga to lose weight don't succeed...
In short, someone in that much. But the principle behind yoga is simple — balance.
When the body is in balance, in harmony, there is no possibility of excess weight (as, indeed, his fault; however, it should be noted that "traditional" yoga is usually thin, which is associated with practices that go beyond the usual yoga at home or in a group).
Let's see how breathing practices of yoga help to normalize weight. Let's start with the actual practices.
Yoga: Breathing For Weight loss Breathing exercises yoga in Sanskrit are called Pranayama or "control of breath". Moreover, most of them enhances the metabolism resulting in burning extra calories (but it is not important, but rather a side effect). In itself, the increased metabolism helps to tone and improve health. However, there is one drawback, at least in my case: start to grow hair and nails (I just don't like to shave :)).
To get rid of excess weight recommended such pranayamas like bhastrika, sitali (sitkari), kapalabhati. There are others, but consider we will not, because I'm too lazy to write so much. Here we touch while only Sitali.
Before the practice of breathing exercises of yoga, I would recommend "mash" light with simple yoga poses — downward-facing Dog (Adho Mukha of Svanasana) and Dog face upward (Urdhva Mukha of Svanasana). After they make 5-7 full cycles of yogic breathing.
Shitali Pranayama Sit in a comfortable posture (the Lotus position if you can), hands on knees, fingers ugana-mudra. Close your eyes and relax.
Stick your tongue out as far as you can, then roll it into a tube (fold the sides, not the tip). Inhale through the straw as slowly as possible, but don't overdo it (be careful in my practice — if anything, I'm innocent ;)).
After graduating from the inhale, pull your tongue back in your mouth, close your mouth and exhale through the nose. Breath is performed according to the principles of yogic breathing, as you fill the abdomen, chest and clavicular division of the lungs with air. You need to inhale with a sound like the wind howling (well, or something like that).
On the tongue and the palate may be feeling cool or even cold is fine.
Inhalation and exhalation is one cycle. Do first 3-5, then scroll to 9. When you master the 9 cycles, increase the number to 15, together with the duration of inhalation and exhalation.
There is usually no need to go above 15 cycles. The upper limit is 60 cycles, but without a good practice you just kick in if you try so much to do.
Your attention on the tip of my tongue and the sensation of a cool breath.
IMPORTANT! Don't do Sitali in a place with dirty air because you inhale through the mouth and nasal filter is not involved.
Another point: do not practice this type of pranayama when it's cold — again, because air passes through the nose, which adapts its temperature to your body.
Who should not perform Pranayama Shitali
Low pressure
An excess of mucus in the respiratory tract
Chronic constipation
If you have heart disease, exercise without breath-holding.
Use Shitali Pranayama cools the body (I'm so in the hot season in India are cooled :)), as well as the mind, making it calmer. It affects the brain centers responsible for regulating temperature in the body. It helps to control the feeling of hunger and thirst, contributes to satiety foods — those aspects that ultimately affect the weight, because the person ceases to overeat, feel the saturation before you eat too much, and In General, a good thing, but keep in mind especially when it is not worth doing.
It is better to practice pranayama on an empty stomach, ideally in the morning but not right before Breakfast, and some time before him.
source: denissvetlichny.ru
Source: /users/1077
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