Pharmageddon or the grand lie of pharmaceuticals (video)

The proposed interesting documentary is served under the battered, and therefore became mocking rubric “Conspiracy Theory”.
Meanwhile, depending on the agreement on the initial concepts, this name can be approached in two ways: even those who believe that there are conspiracies in life can agree that this conspiracy does not exist. Conspiracies are always carried out structurally. That is, there is always the Main Conspirator who picked up the team, distributed the roles in it, explained the purpose of the conspiracy, etc.
In the case of drugs, there is no structure as such. The beneficiaries are relatively numerous. And no one tells anyone, like, come on, release the drugs so that they do not cure, but, for example, mutilate. No one forces doctors to prescribe these drugs, no force. No one is forcing “menagers” to trade them.
There is only one clearly identified element that makes this unstructured conspiracy possible: profit.
So there is no conspiracy, on purely formal grounds, but in fact it really exists and has a strong negative impact on our already difficult life.
Source: ruslekar.info
Source: /users/1077
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