Great dental deception
Thirty million four hundred thirty eight thousand four hundred thirty two
How often do you brush your teeth? Most likely, once or twice a day. And how often have you wondered what substances are in toothpaste that you use every day, month after month? Probably the same as me – never. Like me, you rely on the recommendations of the "Association of dentists". And in vain.
After I came across information about the dangers of fluoride, I really thought about the fact that never before I would have even thought about having to read on a box of toothpaste. Not to mention the fact to learn more about the components themselves. To admit, all the information about fluoride I learned from posters and movies and sometimes from the dentist.
To my surprise upon searching, I found so many "interesting" about fluoride and the effect of this substance on the body, which are still in a light shock. This article is food for thought.
What is fluoride and fluoride. Fluoride (Fluoride) is a fluorine ion. All organic and inorganic compounds containing the fluorine is fluoride, which will be mentioned in this article. Fluorine is a gas that in nature it is most often in compounds with other substances, such as calcium fluoride (CaF)or sodium fluoride (NaF).
Fluoride is a natural element that is part of the earth's crust. It is therefore natural that a small dose of fluoride (much less than 1 ppm) contained in natural water. Plants naturally absorb fluoride from the soil and water, so a small amount of fluoride is present in all our food and water and accumulates in animal tissues and in plants.
Despite the fact that fluoride is a natural substance, it is toxic to humans, much more toxin than lead. Injection of 2-5 grams of sodium fluoride (a standard component in toothpaste) is a lethal dose. The amount of fluoride in one tube of toothpaste medium size is enough to kill a small child if you use the entire tube at one time. Toothpaste with fluoride contains a much higher concentration of fluoride compared with fluoride content in nature.
Initially, fluoride is added to water, because it was believed that fluoride is extremely useful for healthy teeth and prevents tooth decay. And then the toothpaste. In some countries, such as USA, ftorida about 2/3 of the natural water.
How does fluoride in fighting tooth decay? It is believed that fluoride is toxic to bacteria. Bacteria, like all living forms, also eat, and as food use sugar (glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose or food starches) and the waste products of bacteria which are capable of dissolving tooth enamel is the acids that cause demineralization or tooth decay. Fluoride poisons the bacteria, reducing its ability to process sugar. Unfortunately, fluoride is so toxic that if you use poison, not only bacteria, but also other cells.
Risk of the use of fluoride.Fluoride can bring serious problems to the health even when used in small doses, which are available in toothpaste or fluoridated water.
Fluorosis – chronic fluoride intoxication. Come in two forms: dental and skeletal, expressed in terrible symptoms, not even going to describe them.
There are also more than 30 animal studies that say that fluoride is a neurotoxin that reduces cognitive abilities (language learning, speech, mental ability) and memory. In fact, fluoride makes you dumber.
There are many health problems associated with fluoride, if you are not afraid of scary names, and speak English, the list of diseases can be read here:
Most of the information was made public only in the last 10 years, before that it was strictly classified.
Now the strawberry, though bitter.
Why did people start adding fluoride to toothpaste and water? As always, this story involved a lot of money and politics. The story of the creation of the myth of the usefulness of fluorine described in the book "Fluoride the great deception" (Fluoride Deception), published by the famous journalist and BBC producer Christopher Bryson, which is based on a 10-year study of the facts and rumors on the subject of fluoride. In this book Bryson talks about the most important scientific personalities and institutions that played a major role in the fact that fluorides are now used for prevention of dental diseases in the U.S. and in the world.
Defenders of the theory of porizatsii say that in relation to fluorine, there are two different issues, unconnected among themselves. The first is that fluoride is industrial waste in the production of the metal, and the second question concerns the usefulness of fluorine to means of oral hygiene. This is not true because both of these two storylines is tightly intertwined with the beginning.
So, about the beginning of the story. The first statement that fluoride is beneficial for dental health and that they should be added to drinking water to prevent dental disease, it was made by a certain researcher Dr. Gerald Cox of the Mellon Institute in Pittsburgh. Cox began the study of fluoride on the proposal of Francis, Frary, Director of the research laboratory of the American Aluminum Company, which, obviously, were very concerned about a big problem of air pollution and of natural surroundings, adjacent to the aluminum smelter, and the negative impact of fluoride on the health of workers.
You need to understand that the melon Institute served as the main protector of all large companies metallopererabatyvajushchih industry, so there is absolutely no Nike chance that such a proposal was made by the researcher of this Institute.
At that time, in the period from 1956-1968 g, for the harm caused to health one fluoride, the court received more claims than in the rest of the 20 (!) pollutants together. Definitely there was an urgent need to somehow protect themselves from such a huge number of lawsuits, and it would be nice to have a theory based on real research, who preached that fluoride is beneficial to health.
Another defender of porizatsii was Harold Hodge is one of the most influential and high-level physicians and researchers. This man enjoyed an indisputable authority among the powers in the field of health and released more than one work in support of the programme of porizatsii water, the implementation of which was considered in 1957.
It is now known that Hodge was one of the organizers of the experiment to study the effects of radiation on health of people who are vaccinated plutonium.
What is the connection? Video. He was the chief toxicologist in the "Manhattan" project. The purpose of this project was the development of the atomic bomb later dropped on Nagasaki and Herosimu. Hodge investigated the toxicity of all chemicals used in the production of the atomic bomb, and fluoride were the main problem, because when a bomb they were used in incredible amounts.
In the documents that were found by the author Bryson, it was clearly written that Hodge is asked to provide information that could help the government and army to defend against lawsuits related to bodily injury. And on the contrary, all information that can be used against the army – should be removed.
If it is recognized that Versace water harmful, all organizations that work with fluorine, including the Commission on Nuclear Energy, the government and the US army would be subject to countless lawsuits. In other words, there was not a chance that Harold Hodge would have substituted such an influential organization.
Simultaneously with Hodge, the famous physician and promoter of the theory of porizatsii, Dr. Ms. Melissa J. Kehoe has published a large scientific work on the beneficial effect of fluoride. This work was sponsored by the following organizations:
Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), Aluminium Company of Canada, Institute for the study of petroleum products of America, DuPont, Kaiser aluminium, Reynolds metals, United Steele, National Institute for research in the Field of Dentistry (NIJOS). Personal data Ms. Melissa J. Kehoe, you can find links to cooperation with the Committee of the Legality of Fluoride, which Ms. Melissa J. Kehoe provided materials to protect corporate clients (listed above) against all claims related to fluoride.
In addition, to sell fluoride to the whole nation helped by none other than the father of PR Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, who was a real evil genius and a professional in the field of creation of attractive image for unhealthy products. The brother of Oscar Ewing, Edward L. Bernays, was a good psychologist, he was the nephew of Sigmund Freud. Edward conducted research on the management of the human mind, but rather companies. He even published a book called "Propaganda", in addition to promote fluoridation, Bernays was involved in promoting cigarettes. Bernays was invited NIIS to assist in conducting a PR company to "sell" fluoride to the nation. Their plan consisted in persuasion of doctors and dentists that fluoride good for your teeth, then the dentists themselves to "sell" fluoride to everyone else.
For decades, the use of fluoride is promoted among the population, starting from school. Scientists who said that instead of good fluoride has on the human body a strong negative impact, dismissed, persecuted, ridiculed in the press. Only recently some scientists were able to publish the results of studies talking about the dangers of sodium fluoride when applied even in permitted by standards the dose.
Not hard to guess that the paste which has been most widely publicized ("Colgate", "Blend-a-med", "Aquafresh", etc.) have the highest content of fluorine. People began to buy these toothpastes do not because their use is proven, but because a lie repeated many times (in the form of advertising) was perceived by many people as true. For widespread promotion of fluoride in mass was used this psychological technique.
What to do now? First you need to look at this issue "open eyes" (it would be nice to connect the brain) and make your own conscious decision. Common sense dictates that you should not take (especially regularly) any substance unless you fully understand what it is.
My opinion is that even if there is a small suspicion that fluoride can be harmful – it makes no sense to use them. In this case, a huge number of materials convinces us that it is better to abandon it.
In addition, that suggest dentists for "bastarnai" prevention of dental caries:
The less white processed sugar contained in the food you eat, or the less you eat foods rich in white sugar, or the less time you allow food sugar stay in your mouth — the lower will be the amount of acid that produced bacteria.
It is better to eat no white sugar, and fructose. Or even better – eat sugar only as part of whole foods – fruits, dried fruits, nuts. And as sweet spices you can use cinnamon, turmeric, etc. be Wary of using a genetically engineered sweetener aspartame. It is even more harmful than white sugar.
It is recommended to reduce the time during which the sugar is in your mouth. After ingestion of food rich in sugar, brush your teeth brush and floss or at least rinse your mouth.
Very harmful to dissolve in your mouth sweets and drinking sugary drinks for a long time. If you still have to drink sugar water (for example, honey drink), then he should rather brush your teeth.
Frequently and thoroughly floss and brush.
It is recommended to floss and brush after every meal — even in small quantities. It is recommended to spend on the care of teeth a bit more time – it is important to clean them as thoroughly as possible. In those areas, which you don't get brush or floss, most likely formed cavity.
Additional information: the Country that stopped, rejected or banned water fluoridation: Austria, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, North. Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland.
Source: forum.paleosyroed.com/topic/330-bolshoi-zubnoi-obman/
How often do you brush your teeth? Most likely, once or twice a day. And how often have you wondered what substances are in toothpaste that you use every day, month after month? Probably the same as me – never. Like me, you rely on the recommendations of the "Association of dentists". And in vain.
After I came across information about the dangers of fluoride, I really thought about the fact that never before I would have even thought about having to read on a box of toothpaste. Not to mention the fact to learn more about the components themselves. To admit, all the information about fluoride I learned from posters and movies and sometimes from the dentist.
To my surprise upon searching, I found so many "interesting" about fluoride and the effect of this substance on the body, which are still in a light shock. This article is food for thought.
What is fluoride and fluoride. Fluoride (Fluoride) is a fluorine ion. All organic and inorganic compounds containing the fluorine is fluoride, which will be mentioned in this article. Fluorine is a gas that in nature it is most often in compounds with other substances, such as calcium fluoride (CaF)or sodium fluoride (NaF).
Fluoride is a natural element that is part of the earth's crust. It is therefore natural that a small dose of fluoride (much less than 1 ppm) contained in natural water. Plants naturally absorb fluoride from the soil and water, so a small amount of fluoride is present in all our food and water and accumulates in animal tissues and in plants.
Despite the fact that fluoride is a natural substance, it is toxic to humans, much more toxin than lead. Injection of 2-5 grams of sodium fluoride (a standard component in toothpaste) is a lethal dose. The amount of fluoride in one tube of toothpaste medium size is enough to kill a small child if you use the entire tube at one time. Toothpaste with fluoride contains a much higher concentration of fluoride compared with fluoride content in nature.
Initially, fluoride is added to water, because it was believed that fluoride is extremely useful for healthy teeth and prevents tooth decay. And then the toothpaste. In some countries, such as USA, ftorida about 2/3 of the natural water.
How does fluoride in fighting tooth decay? It is believed that fluoride is toxic to bacteria. Bacteria, like all living forms, also eat, and as food use sugar (glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose or food starches) and the waste products of bacteria which are capable of dissolving tooth enamel is the acids that cause demineralization or tooth decay. Fluoride poisons the bacteria, reducing its ability to process sugar. Unfortunately, fluoride is so toxic that if you use poison, not only bacteria, but also other cells.
Risk of the use of fluoride.Fluoride can bring serious problems to the health even when used in small doses, which are available in toothpaste or fluoridated water.
Fluorosis – chronic fluoride intoxication. Come in two forms: dental and skeletal, expressed in terrible symptoms, not even going to describe them.
There are also more than 30 animal studies that say that fluoride is a neurotoxin that reduces cognitive abilities (language learning, speech, mental ability) and memory. In fact, fluoride makes you dumber.
There are many health problems associated with fluoride, if you are not afraid of scary names, and speak English, the list of diseases can be read here:
Most of the information was made public only in the last 10 years, before that it was strictly classified.
Now the strawberry, though bitter.
Why did people start adding fluoride to toothpaste and water? As always, this story involved a lot of money and politics. The story of the creation of the myth of the usefulness of fluorine described in the book "Fluoride the great deception" (Fluoride Deception), published by the famous journalist and BBC producer Christopher Bryson, which is based on a 10-year study of the facts and rumors on the subject of fluoride. In this book Bryson talks about the most important scientific personalities and institutions that played a major role in the fact that fluorides are now used for prevention of dental diseases in the U.S. and in the world.
Defenders of the theory of porizatsii say that in relation to fluorine, there are two different issues, unconnected among themselves. The first is that fluoride is industrial waste in the production of the metal, and the second question concerns the usefulness of fluorine to means of oral hygiene. This is not true because both of these two storylines is tightly intertwined with the beginning.
So, about the beginning of the story. The first statement that fluoride is beneficial for dental health and that they should be added to drinking water to prevent dental disease, it was made by a certain researcher Dr. Gerald Cox of the Mellon Institute in Pittsburgh. Cox began the study of fluoride on the proposal of Francis, Frary, Director of the research laboratory of the American Aluminum Company, which, obviously, were very concerned about a big problem of air pollution and of natural surroundings, adjacent to the aluminum smelter, and the negative impact of fluoride on the health of workers.
You need to understand that the melon Institute served as the main protector of all large companies metallopererabatyvajushchih industry, so there is absolutely no Nike chance that such a proposal was made by the researcher of this Institute.
At that time, in the period from 1956-1968 g, for the harm caused to health one fluoride, the court received more claims than in the rest of the 20 (!) pollutants together. Definitely there was an urgent need to somehow protect themselves from such a huge number of lawsuits, and it would be nice to have a theory based on real research, who preached that fluoride is beneficial to health.
Another defender of porizatsii was Harold Hodge is one of the most influential and high-level physicians and researchers. This man enjoyed an indisputable authority among the powers in the field of health and released more than one work in support of the programme of porizatsii water, the implementation of which was considered in 1957.
It is now known that Hodge was one of the organizers of the experiment to study the effects of radiation on health of people who are vaccinated plutonium.
What is the connection? Video. He was the chief toxicologist in the "Manhattan" project. The purpose of this project was the development of the atomic bomb later dropped on Nagasaki and Herosimu. Hodge investigated the toxicity of all chemicals used in the production of the atomic bomb, and fluoride were the main problem, because when a bomb they were used in incredible amounts.
In the documents that were found by the author Bryson, it was clearly written that Hodge is asked to provide information that could help the government and army to defend against lawsuits related to bodily injury. And on the contrary, all information that can be used against the army – should be removed.
If it is recognized that Versace water harmful, all organizations that work with fluorine, including the Commission on Nuclear Energy, the government and the US army would be subject to countless lawsuits. In other words, there was not a chance that Harold Hodge would have substituted such an influential organization.
Simultaneously with Hodge, the famous physician and promoter of the theory of porizatsii, Dr. Ms. Melissa J. Kehoe has published a large scientific work on the beneficial effect of fluoride. This work was sponsored by the following organizations:
Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), Aluminium Company of Canada, Institute for the study of petroleum products of America, DuPont, Kaiser aluminium, Reynolds metals, United Steele, National Institute for research in the Field of Dentistry (NIJOS). Personal data Ms. Melissa J. Kehoe, you can find links to cooperation with the Committee of the Legality of Fluoride, which Ms. Melissa J. Kehoe provided materials to protect corporate clients (listed above) against all claims related to fluoride.
In addition, to sell fluoride to the whole nation helped by none other than the father of PR Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, who was a real evil genius and a professional in the field of creation of attractive image for unhealthy products. The brother of Oscar Ewing, Edward L. Bernays, was a good psychologist, he was the nephew of Sigmund Freud. Edward conducted research on the management of the human mind, but rather companies. He even published a book called "Propaganda", in addition to promote fluoridation, Bernays was involved in promoting cigarettes. Bernays was invited NIIS to assist in conducting a PR company to "sell" fluoride to the nation. Their plan consisted in persuasion of doctors and dentists that fluoride good for your teeth, then the dentists themselves to "sell" fluoride to everyone else.
For decades, the use of fluoride is promoted among the population, starting from school. Scientists who said that instead of good fluoride has on the human body a strong negative impact, dismissed, persecuted, ridiculed in the press. Only recently some scientists were able to publish the results of studies talking about the dangers of sodium fluoride when applied even in permitted by standards the dose.
Not hard to guess that the paste which has been most widely publicized ("Colgate", "Blend-a-med", "Aquafresh", etc.) have the highest content of fluorine. People began to buy these toothpastes do not because their use is proven, but because a lie repeated many times (in the form of advertising) was perceived by many people as true. For widespread promotion of fluoride in mass was used this psychological technique.
What to do now? First you need to look at this issue "open eyes" (it would be nice to connect the brain) and make your own conscious decision. Common sense dictates that you should not take (especially regularly) any substance unless you fully understand what it is.
My opinion is that even if there is a small suspicion that fluoride can be harmful – it makes no sense to use them. In this case, a huge number of materials convinces us that it is better to abandon it.
In addition, that suggest dentists for "bastarnai" prevention of dental caries:
The less white processed sugar contained in the food you eat, or the less you eat foods rich in white sugar, or the less time you allow food sugar stay in your mouth — the lower will be the amount of acid that produced bacteria.
It is better to eat no white sugar, and fructose. Or even better – eat sugar only as part of whole foods – fruits, dried fruits, nuts. And as sweet spices you can use cinnamon, turmeric, etc. be Wary of using a genetically engineered sweetener aspartame. It is even more harmful than white sugar.
It is recommended to reduce the time during which the sugar is in your mouth. After ingestion of food rich in sugar, brush your teeth brush and floss or at least rinse your mouth.
Very harmful to dissolve in your mouth sweets and drinking sugary drinks for a long time. If you still have to drink sugar water (for example, honey drink), then he should rather brush your teeth.
Frequently and thoroughly floss and brush.
It is recommended to floss and brush after every meal — even in small quantities. It is recommended to spend on the care of teeth a bit more time – it is important to clean them as thoroughly as possible. In those areas, which you don't get brush or floss, most likely formed cavity.
Additional information: the Country that stopped, rejected or banned water fluoridation: Austria, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, North. Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland.
Source: forum.paleosyroed.com/topic/330-bolshoi-zubnoi-obman/
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