The shape and color of vegetables and fruits padsasenny humanity nature
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The shape and color of vegetables and fruits padsasenny to mankind by nature. Because it always had today's medical knowledge. It is better not to engage in "monotherapy", using the same gifts of nature for several days. After all, the more varied your diet, the more useful components will get into the body. Exactly this food the doctors called balanced.
Walnut is a champion in content of lecithin. It is visually indistinguishable from the human brain and this enzyme is essential in the metabolism in it. Vitamins A and B, which are in nuts, negate the negative impact of cholesterol. While vitamin E also prevents the destruction of red blood cells, ie, the anemia, which in turn can lead to oxygen starvation. And this is not the best way affects the work of the "gray matter". For effect you need to eat 50 g per day.
Pumpkin. If you've seen human bodies in the context, I do not doubt that the inside of this vegetable is similar to the "interior" of the small intestine and bladder – the same nappy. Pumpkin has good cleansing and diuretic properties because it contains a lot of fiber. Eat 500 grams per day.
Raspberry. Another of the lessons of the anatomy of every known form and structure of the alveoli, which is remarkably similar to raspberries. Again an interesting coincidence: the raspberry has the ability to liquefy mucus and contains acetylsalicylic acid. Not whether it is necessary in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system? You need to eat 150 grams per day.
Blueberries. This berry with a distinctive dimple-a small copy of the fundus. It contains vitamin P, which improves the nutrition of the vessels and relieves spasms. All of this together and creates a white “eyeball” and the health of the ocular fundus. For effect you need to eat 50 g per day.
Peach. Than not velvety pink cheek? This fruit contains essential for beautiful skin vitamins A and C. the First improves the power, as a consequence, the cells recover faster and better, that is, the skin is not as quickly being eroded, not so fast wrinkles. And the second antioxidant that slows down the process of oxidation, and hence aging of the skin. For effect you need to eat 300 grams a day.
Avocado. Shaped like a female uterus and the cervix. Vitamin B9 and potassium that contains this exotic, indispensable in the development of a healthy baby and normal pregnancy. It is interesting that the avocado requires exactly nine months from flower to ripe fruit. In addition, this fruit harmonizes hormonal balance. For effect you need to eat 150 grams per day.
Grenades. It's juicy grains resemble droplets of blood. Garnet has a lot of iron, which is essential for normal hematopoiesis. And when a doctor prescribes products to "improve blood", the pomegranate is a must-have in this list. For effect you need съедать150 g per day.
Figs. About the Eastern men say "warm" because they eat this fruit much more often than northerners. Because it is rich in amino acids, stimulates the libido and increases sperm motility. Inside the "pouch" – a lot of seeds, but grows this fruit in pairs. Nothing like? For effect you need to eat 300 grams a day.
Parsley. The same curly hair can get and the person, if you regularly use parsley since it has a diuretic effect. When your kidneys are not withdrawn protein toxins, it leads to massive loss of hair follicles. The excess of such toxins is often in those who eat a lot of protein, but it moves a little. Especially need this "grass" women in menopause, when hormonal changes may cause kidneys. For effect you need to eat 30 grams per day.
The seeds and nuts. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almond and peanut to resemble either male testicles, female ovaries, and in excess contain tocopherol. Nature gave them this vitamin to embryos of future plants and trees did not die in the cold. And it has a particular effect on the front lobe of the hypophysis, which controls the sexual organs. For effect you need to eat 50 g per day.
Source: rodovid.me/organic_eat/forma-i-cvet-ovoschey-i-fruktov-podskazanny-chelovechestvu-prirodoy.html
The shape and color of vegetables and fruits padsasenny to mankind by nature. Because it always had today's medical knowledge. It is better not to engage in "monotherapy", using the same gifts of nature for several days. After all, the more varied your diet, the more useful components will get into the body. Exactly this food the doctors called balanced.
Walnut is a champion in content of lecithin. It is visually indistinguishable from the human brain and this enzyme is essential in the metabolism in it. Vitamins A and B, which are in nuts, negate the negative impact of cholesterol. While vitamin E also prevents the destruction of red blood cells, ie, the anemia, which in turn can lead to oxygen starvation. And this is not the best way affects the work of the "gray matter". For effect you need to eat 50 g per day.
Pumpkin. If you've seen human bodies in the context, I do not doubt that the inside of this vegetable is similar to the "interior" of the small intestine and bladder – the same nappy. Pumpkin has good cleansing and diuretic properties because it contains a lot of fiber. Eat 500 grams per day.
Raspberry. Another of the lessons of the anatomy of every known form and structure of the alveoli, which is remarkably similar to raspberries. Again an interesting coincidence: the raspberry has the ability to liquefy mucus and contains acetylsalicylic acid. Not whether it is necessary in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system? You need to eat 150 grams per day.
Blueberries. This berry with a distinctive dimple-a small copy of the fundus. It contains vitamin P, which improves the nutrition of the vessels and relieves spasms. All of this together and creates a white “eyeball” and the health of the ocular fundus. For effect you need to eat 50 g per day.
Peach. Than not velvety pink cheek? This fruit contains essential for beautiful skin vitamins A and C. the First improves the power, as a consequence, the cells recover faster and better, that is, the skin is not as quickly being eroded, not so fast wrinkles. And the second antioxidant that slows down the process of oxidation, and hence aging of the skin. For effect you need to eat 300 grams a day.
Avocado. Shaped like a female uterus and the cervix. Vitamin B9 and potassium that contains this exotic, indispensable in the development of a healthy baby and normal pregnancy. It is interesting that the avocado requires exactly nine months from flower to ripe fruit. In addition, this fruit harmonizes hormonal balance. For effect you need to eat 150 grams per day.
Grenades. It's juicy grains resemble droplets of blood. Garnet has a lot of iron, which is essential for normal hematopoiesis. And when a doctor prescribes products to "improve blood", the pomegranate is a must-have in this list. For effect you need съедать150 g per day.
Figs. About the Eastern men say "warm" because they eat this fruit much more often than northerners. Because it is rich in amino acids, stimulates the libido and increases sperm motility. Inside the "pouch" – a lot of seeds, but grows this fruit in pairs. Nothing like? For effect you need to eat 300 grams a day.
Parsley. The same curly hair can get and the person, if you regularly use parsley since it has a diuretic effect. When your kidneys are not withdrawn protein toxins, it leads to massive loss of hair follicles. The excess of such toxins is often in those who eat a lot of protein, but it moves a little. Especially need this "grass" women in menopause, when hormonal changes may cause kidneys. For effect you need to eat 30 grams per day.
The seeds and nuts. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almond and peanut to resemble either male testicles, female ovaries, and in excess contain tocopherol. Nature gave them this vitamin to embryos of future plants and trees did not die in the cold. And it has a particular effect on the front lobe of the hypophysis, which controls the sexual organs. For effect you need to eat 50 g per day.

Source: rodovid.me/organic_eat/forma-i-cvet-ovoschey-i-fruktov-podskazanny-chelovechestvu-prirodoy.html