The correct degree of washing in the New year

Tip of the day: wash at thirty degrees
Often wash clothes at 30°C. Modern powders are able to get rid of stains even at this low temperature. At the same time delicate mode allows you to significantly save on electricity: if you wash clothes at 30°With, then spend up to 4 times less electricity than washing at 60°C. in addition, significantly reduces the probability of scale formation and extends the service life of the washing machine.
30°C is perfect for dark clothes, the stains which are not visible as much as the bright clothes, and therefore do not require intensive washing. The low-temperature regime are indispensable in the case of expensive and delicate fabrics such as wool and silk, which cannot be washed at a higher temperature. This may also include things with embroideries and appliqués.
Washable at 30°C, out of more careful and accurate in relation to clothing, prodlevaet most of her life. In addition, at low temperatures, the fabric almost does not fade, so you insure yourself against sudden surprises with painted things.
30°C together with good powder can clean almost any stains and protein of vegetable origin. The exception is light (white) tissue with complex contamination: traces from wine, blood, berries, oil. But most of the stains and so it is recommended to prewash by hand before machine to achieve maximum effect.
And remember, each making its contribution — together we change the world.
Source: greenhunter.ru/blog?id=4355