Foods and herbs to thin the blood

The most common foods that reduce the viscosity of blood include ginger, cranberry, garlic and lemon. Slightly weaker effect have seafood, vegetables and fruits, fish, greens.
Ginger. Medicinal properties the root of this plant. It is used in food seasoning mostly in powder, raw or in the form of small. Characterized by a rich chemical composition, in which the most important place in terms of thinning the blood belongs to the natural antioxidants and lipids. For the reception you can prepare tea of half a teaspoon of grated ginger, infused in one liter of boiling water. This is the daily dose. It is not necessary to exceed it due to the high activity of ginger, which is contraindicated when taking of the most heartfelt and krovanistaya drugs, severe lesions of the liver and kidneys, the presence of sources of bleeding, increase in temperature, and in hot weather.
Cranberry. A great berry with wonderful properties, one of which is the decrease in blood viscosity. Are mainly used the berries of this plant, both in fresh and in dried form. You can take whole fruits, and you can include them in the composition of juices, fruit drinks, infusions. Valid trade teas and fruit drinks that contain only cranberry or its combination with other components. The only contraindication for admission serves as gastritis and peptic ulcer with high acidity due to the high acid content in its composition.
Garlic. Applies to products with strong krivorozchskiy properties. Used in raw form and as preservatives to foods. Eating one garlic clove a day has a very good anti-coagulant effect. Contraindicated for use can be gastritis, hemorrhoids, heart disease, pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Lemon. One of the few products that has no contraindications. Beneficial effect of fruit lemon. The active is both the flesh and peel. Toxic properties have only bones. Due to the high content of potassium and vitamin C gives excellent effect of reducing blood density. Make the lemon can be in any form with honey, tea or plain water.
Herbs for blood thinners
Considering the issues of traversiere not to mention medicinal plants. Similar properties have many of them, but the most active are the white willow and clover.
White willow bark to thin the blood. The anticoagulant effect of this plant due to the presence in its composition of salicin which is a precursor of salicylic acid. As you know this chemical compound has good anti-coagulant abilities. Unlike salicin white willow-chemical analogue is that it practically does not cause violations of the gastrointestinal system, and does not provoke the onset of bleeding. The combination of these properties with excellent anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect allows its use even in pediatric practice.
Method of administration depends on the release form. If it is the pill, the recommended adult dosage is 2-3 tablets (1 at reception). This is sufficient to maintain blood in good condition. In case of purchase of dried bark from her Cup of tea. Side effects are extremely rare.
Clover. Medicinal properties have leaves and flowers of this plant. Along with the healing properties inherent and toxic. So taking this plant needs to be agreed with the doctor. It is better to use the pharmacy forms of plants, as there are many subtleties of its collection and processing, with which compliance is mandatory. It krivorozhye the effect is so strong that in the gathering with some plants it can cause the appearance of menses after prolonged amenorrhea.
It is best to prepare an infusion or tea made from chopped parts of dry plants. To do this for two hours infuse a teaspoon of the substance in a glass perekipjachennoj of water, cooled to room temperature. After straining take? Cup 2 times a day. Tea is brewed 30 grams of flowers or leaves in one liter of water. Contraindications occur with heavy menstruation, chronic hemorrhoids and other diseases with risk of bleeding.
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_razjizjenie_krovi_sposobi.php