Your other half is inside you

So many people are now looking for a partner, a soul mate, your "soul mate". They feel incomplete without this "special" person who brings harmony into their "incomplete" life.

But you're not half of a whole, buddy. It's a lie. You've never been half of a whole. You are the whole; it is your true nature.

If you are looking for a partner, or staying in a relationship because you feel "half" of the whole, if you're unhappy in his loneliness and fear of the void, you will be transferred to their partner unhappy field, and the alarm will "rumble" on your relationship.

Find happiness within yourself. Make a happy space in which you live, and dwell there. Discover the joy of his loneliness. While you're trying to run from him, you'll always be alone because you'll be running away from yourself that is the biggest pain of all things.

Find the joy inside. Be that which you always aspired. And when you're ready, this space will be others, such a welcome for you, friends or partners. Let them talk, laugh, play, stay, if you stay, or go, if go. Rejoice their freedom. Realize this relationship deeply. Pay attention when you're happy, pay attention when unhappy, but don't blame others and be grateful of life.

Help them learn to love their own loneliness, too.
Maybe you call a new character as a friend, partner, lover. Maybe you marry, maybe you live together and have a family, maybe you never see each other again. In this joy deep end, the label doesn't matter and the future will take care of you.

And you will find your other half in itself. And the fear of loneliness will disappear in the rays of the setting sun.

© Jeff Foster



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