Is it possible to boil water in a pot made of birch bark

Knowing the design and manufacture of such a pot (take a look at the Russian Museum of Ethnography) fresh bark I made a pot. Some time wondered what the handle to adapt to it, but in the field the decision was needless. For the handle I used split willow switch and made her cross.
A fire lit in the open space and later realized that it was a mistake — the wind was tropical the flame in different directions and had my Northern patience. For fixing the pot over the fire, I tied a tripod out of sticks and hung the pot. Decided that the conditions of the experiment should be the most severe and began to boil water on an open fire and waiting — light up the bark or not? The bark is a little opasalas in those places where was not removed the top thin layer, but there was no fire. after a while the pot started to warp. Under the action of fire, birch bark was soft and could not withstand the weight of the water and sagged. Despite this, it was already clear that in birchbark utensils to heat water. But I had the water to boil, warm and even hot water does not suit me.
Against deformation of the pot, I took action — took it off the tripod and put the spacer from the sticks, which helped keep the pot and the water is not poured. Realizing that dancing in the fire and need a constant temperature I don't get, I stir the fire and began to hold it over hot coals. The pot immediately became excited and soon there were bubbles that I was even more pleased. To measure the temperature, dipping a toe in the water it became harder and harder.
Over time, the water would evaporate and at one point one side of the pot broke. Had to cool it with water. Soon the red embers were extinguished and I had a chance to put the pot directly on the coals. And so on the coals, the water in the pot finally began to boil. I am pleased went into the house, threw it in the pot welding, poured a Cup of tea and is drank birch tea with a unique taste.

Source: slavyanskaya-kultura.ru/zhizn/deistvitelno-li-mozhno-vskipjatit-vodu-v-kotelke-sdelanom-iz-beryozovoi-kory.html
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