People who don't know the diseases - inspiring example
"Woman of Hunza will never go for your favorite where they grow apricots". What a beautiful saying!
"The average life expectancy of Hunza — 120 years!
Hunza — vegetarians. In the summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables (i.e., season), winter — sun-dried apricots and sprouted beans, feta cheese. Daily calorie Hunza much lower than usual and includes 50g protein, 36G fat and 365г carbohydrates.
Scottish physician Mac Carrison lived in the vicinity of the Hunza valley for 14 years. He came to the conclusion that diet is a major factor in the longevity of this nation." PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW THE DISEASE. The valley of the Hunza river (the border of India and Pakistan), called the “oasis of youth”. The life expectancy of the inhabitants of this valley — 110-120 years. They almost never get sick, look young.
So there is a certain way of life, approaching the ideal, when people feel healthy, happy, do not grow old, as in other countries, by 40-50 years of age. It is curious that the residents of Hunza valley, in contrast to the neighboring peoples, look very similar to Europeans. The Hunza bathe in icy water even at 15 degree frost, up to a hundred years playing outdoor games, 40-year-old woman they look like girls, 60 years to maintain the harmony and elegance of the figures, and in 65 years have children. In the summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables in the winter — sun-dried apricots and sprouted beans, feta cheese. Another interesting people have a period when fruits are not yet ripe — it's called "hungry spring" and lasts from two to four months. In these months they almost nothing to eat and only once a day drink a drink made from dried apricots. This diet is erected in a cult and strictly observed. In the book "Hunza — people who do not know the disease" R. Bircher emphasizes the following very substantial advantages of the model of power in this country: — first of all it vegetarian; — a large number of raw foods; in the daily diet is dominated by fruits and vegetables; foods naturally without any chemicals and made with preservation of all biologically valuable substances; — alcohol and Goodies you consume only rarely; very moderate salt intake; products grown only on their domestic soil; — regular periods of fasting. To this we must add other factors that favor healthy longevity. But the way nutrition is undoubtedly very important, crucial. In 1963, in Hunza visited the French medical expedition. As a result of the population census, it was found that the average life expectancy of hunzakuts is 120 years, twice the rate among Europeans. In August 1977 in Paris international cancer Congress, a statement was made: "In accordance with the data of geoontologies (science for the study of cancer in different regions of the world)the complete absence of cancer is only among the peoples of Hunza". In April 1984, one of Hong Kong Newspapers have reported the following amazing case. One of hunzakuts named Sayid Abdul Mabut arrived at London's Heathrow airport, has led to the bewilderment of employees of the immigration service when he produced his passport. In accordance with the document, hunzakut was born in 1823 and he was 160 years old. Accompanying Moboda Mullah said that his client considered Holy in the country of Hunza, famous for its centenarians. Moboda excellent health and sanity. He remembers events since 1850 About his secret of longevity of the local residents say just be vegetarian, work always and physically, constantly move and don't change the rhythm of life, and then live up to 120-150 years.
Source: i-mne.com/statya/vdokhnovlyayushchaya-zametka-o-khunza-i-abrikosakh
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