Forever young pleieni of Hunza

Valley of the Hunza River (the border of India and Pakistan), referred to as "an oasis of youth". The duration of life of the inhabitants of this valley - 110-120 years. They almost never get sick and look younger.
2. At the same time with a touch of irony hunzakuty refer to the fact that someone else in the world called the Highlanders. Well, in fact, is not it obvious that rightly name should be only those who live near the famous "rock venue" - the point where three highest world system: the Himalayas, the Hindu Kush and Karakoram. Of the 14 peaks-eight thousand five Earth are nearby, including the second after Everest K2 (8611 meters), the rise of which in the mountaineering community is appreciated even more than the conquest of Chomolungma. And what about the least celebrated of the local "top killer" Nanga Parbat (8126 meters), burying a record number of climbers? And the tens of seven- and shestitysyachnikov, literally "crowding" around Hunza?
Go through these rock formations is not under force, if you're not a world-class athlete. You can only "leak" narrow passes, gorges, paths. Since ancient times, these rare artery controlled principalities, which are subject to significant duties all passing caravans. Hunza was considered among them one of the most influential.

about this "lost world" is little known, and the reasons are not only geographical but also political: Hunza, along with some other valleys of the Himalayas, was in the territory of which are violent dispute, India and Pakistan (his main subject of nearly 60 years is much broader Kashmir).

USSR - away from sin - has always tried to distance itself from the conflict. For example, in most of the Soviet dictionaries and encyclopedias same K2 (another name - Chogori) is mentioned, but without specifying the area in which it is located. Local, quite traditional names had been erased and Soviet maps, and, accordingly, from the Soviet news vocabulary. But what is surprising in Hunza about Russia just know everything
Two Captains
. "Castle" many locals respectfully call Baltitsky fort, hanging from a cliff over Karimabad. He has about 700 years, and at one time he served as an independent local ruler and the palace of the world, and strength. Not devoid of imposing from the outside, the inside of the Balts seem dark and moist. Dimly lit room and a poor environment - the usual pots, spoons, a giant oven ... In one of the rooms in the floor hatch - beneath the world (Prince) Hunza kept his personal prisoners. Light and large rooms a little, perhaps, only "balcony room" makes a good impression - it offers a magnificent view of the valley. On one wall of the room - a collection of ancient musical instruments, on the other - a weapon: sabers, swords. And the saber presented Russian.
In one room hangs a portrait of two: British captain Younghusband and Russian captain Grombchevski, which decided the fate of the principality. In 1888, at the junction of the Karakoram and the Himalayas almost appeared Russian village, when the then world Hunza Safdar Ali arrived with the mission of a Russian officer Bronislaw Grombchevski. Then, on the border of the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia was a great game, an active confrontation between the two superpowers of the XIX century - Russia and the United Kingdom. Not only military, but also a scientist, and later even an honorary member of the Imperial Geographical Society, this person is not going to win for his land of the king. And it was with him then all six of the Cossacks. But still it was a device early trading post and political union. Russia, which had at that time an impact on all of the Pamirs, gazed Now his attention to Indian goods. So the captain came into the game.
Safdar very warmly received him and willingly signed the proposed agreement - he was afraid of pushing to the south of the British
. And, as it turned out, not without reason. Mission Grombchevski was seriously alarmed Calcutta, where at that time there was a court Viceroy of British India. Although commissioners and spies soothing power: it is hardly afraid of the appearance of Russian troops on the "crown of India" - from the north in Hunza are too difficult passes, to the same closed by snow most of the year - here it was decided to urgently send a detachment under the command of Francis Younghusband.

4. Both captains were colleagues - "Geography in uniform," they have repeatedly met in the Pamir expeditions. Now they were to determine the future orphan "hunzakutskih bandits" as they were called in Calcutta.
In Hunza, meanwhile, quietly appeared Russian goods, weapons, and in the palace Balta appeared even a formal portrait of Alexander III. Far highland government started diplomatic correspondence with St. Petersburg and has offered to host the Cossack garrison. And in 1891 came from Hunza message: peace Safdar Ali officially asks for admission to all the people with Russian citizenship. This news soon reached and Calcutta, as a result of December 1, 1891 Mountain arrow Younghusband captured the principality, Safdar Ali fled to Xinjiang. "The door to India for the king slammed" - wrote the British occupier Viceroy
. So Russian territory Hunza considered herself just four days. Ruler hunzakutov wished to see himself as a Russian, but no official response has not had time to receive. And the British were fixed and held there until the 1947, when, during the collapse of British India gained independence the principality has suddenly appeared on the territory controlled by Muslims.
Today Hunza is controlled by the Pakistani Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas, but the warm memories of the failed outcome of the Great Game was left.
Moreover, the locals ask Russian tourists, why so few tourists from Russia. In this case, although the British and left almost 60 years ago, still have their hippies flooding territory.
< Apricot hippie
5. It is believed that the Hunza re-opened to the West is a hippie who wandered in the 1970s, Asia in search of truth and exotics. And popularized this place so much that even an ordinary dried apricots Americans call Hunza Apricot today. However, here "flower children" attracted not only these two categories, and Indian hemp.
One of the main attractions of Hunza - Glacier, which is widely cold river descends into the valley. However, on numerous terraced fields grow potatoes, vegetables and hemp, which is not much smoke as added as a seasoning for meat dishes and soups.
As for the young long-haired guys with the inscription on the t-shirts Hippie way - whether real hippies, or lovers of retro - they are in Karimabad basically devours apricots. This is undoubtedly the main value hunzakutskih gardens. All Pakistan knows that only grow here, "Khan fruits" that ooze fragrant juice is still on the trees.
Hunza is attractive not only for the radical youth - come here and mountain travel lovers and history fans and amateurs to get away from home. Complete the picture, of course, numerous climbers ...
6. Because the Valley is halfway from Khunjerab Pass before the plains of Hindustan, hunzakuty sure that control all the way to the "Top of the world." In the mountains as such. It is difficult to say whether this principality was once founded by soldiers of Alexander the Great or that were Bactrians - Aryan descendants of the once united the great Russian people, but some mystery in the appearance of this small and original people in their environment, of course. He speaks in his own language burushaskhi (Burushaski, kinship which has not yet been established with any of the languages of the world, even though everyone here knows and Urdu, and many - English), professes, of course, like most Pakistanis, Islam, but special wing, namely Ismaili, one of the most mystical and mysterious in religion that professes to 95% of the population. Therefore, in the Hunza you will not hear the usual calls to prayer from the minarets rushing speakers. All quiet prayer - a private matter, and each time
. Health
Hunza bathe in icy water, even at 15-degree frost, up to a hundred years, play outdoor games, 40-year-old women they look like a girl of 60 years maintain the harmony and elegance of shape and still have children in 65 years. In summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables in the winter - sun-dried apricots and sprouts, sheep's cheese
. Hunza River is a natural barrier for the two medieval principalities of Hunza and Nagar. In the XVII century, the principality is constantly at odds, steal each other's women and children sold into slavery. Both lived in fortified villages. Interestingly another: the inhabitants there is a period when the fruit is not yet ripe - it is called "hungry spring" and lasts from two to four months. they almost do not eat anything during these months, and only once a day, drink a drink made from dried apricots. This post was elevated to a cult, and strictly enforced.
Scottish doctor MakKarrison, the first to describe Happy Valley, stressed that there is protein consumption at the lowest level standards, if at all it can be called normal. Daily caloric Hunza averages 1933 kcal and comprises 50 g protein, 36 g fat, 365 g carbohydrates.
Scot lived in close proximity to the Hunza Valley for 14 years. He came to the conclusion that it is diet is a major factor in the longevity of the people. If a person eats properly, from disease it will not save and mountain climate. It is not surprising that the neighbors of Hunza, living in the same climatic conditions are suffering the most from various diseases. Their life expectancy is two times shorter.

7. MakKarrison, returning to England, put interesting experiments on a large number of animals. Some of them were fed a normal diet of London working-class family (white bread, herring, refined sugar, canned and cooked vegetables). As a result, this group began to appear a variety of "human disease." Other animals were also on the Hunza diet and throughout the experience remained completely healthy.
In the book "Hunza - people who do not know the disease," R. Bircher emphasizes the following very important advantages of the model power in this country:
- First of all it is a vegetarian;
- A large number of raw food;
- In the diet dominated by fruits and vegetables;
- Natural products, without any application of chemicals, and cooked with preservation of all biologically valuable substances;
- Alcohol and consume treats only rarely;
- Very moderate intake of salt;
- Products grown only on its national soil;
-. Regular periods of fasting
To this we must add other factors conducive to healthy longevity. But the way the power is here, of course, it is very essential, crucial.

8. In 1963, the French medical mission visited the Hunza. As a result of its census, it was found that the average life expectancy at hunzakutov is 120 years, which is twice the rate among Europeans. In August 1977, in Paris, a statement was made at the international congress of the cancer: "According to the geokantserologii (Science for Research on Cancer in different regions of the world) a complete absence of cancer occurs only among peoples Hunza»
. 9. In April 1984, one of Hong Kong newspapers reported the next amazing event. One of hunzakutov, named Said Abdul Mobud arrived at London's Heathrow Airport has led to confusion immigration service employees, when to present a passport. According to the document, hunzakut was born in 1823 and he was 160 years old. Accompanied Mobuda Mullah said that his client is considered holy in the country of Hunza, famous for its longevity. In Mobuda excellent health and sanity. He remembers events since 1850 year.
On his secret of longevity locals say simply, whether vegetarian, labor times and physically, keep moving and do not change the rhythm of life, then you will live up to 120-150 years. The characteristics of Hunza as a people, having "full health»:
1) High ability to work in a broad sense. In Hunza, this manifests itself as the ability to work at work, and during the dances and games. For them to pass 100-200 kilometers - the same as take a short walk around the house for us. They are extremely easy to climb up the steep mountain to pass some news, and return home fresh and fun.
2) Cheerfulness. Hunza constantly laughing, they are always in a good mood, even if the hungry and suffering from cold.
3) Exceptional resistance. "The Hunza strong nerves as ropes and thin and delicate, like a string - MakKarison wrote. - They never get angry and do not complain, do not get nervous and do not show impatience, do not quarrel with each other and with complete peace of mind to endure physical pain, trouble, noise, etc. »
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