Silver spoon worsen the taste of food

According to the findings of researchers at University College London, a silver spoon and fork can give food an unpleasant taste.
A group of scientists headed by Zoe Laughlin conducted an experiment in which 50 volunteers experienced Cutlery, made of seven different materials: gold, silver, stainless steel, copper, tin, zinc and chromium. Participants were asked to suck the device and can appreciate its taste. After this, the volunteers repeated the experiment with the same spoons, but with different foods to see how the taste of metal combined with sweet, salty and sour tastes.
Dr. Laughlin commented on the results: "the Gold was delicious. It is the most inert material, so it does not affect the taste of the food. By itself or with food, gold – the best. It has no metallic taste at all, you just feel the taste of food, and nothing more. Silver is not very tasty. Metal also does not react with the acid in fruits and sulfur in the eggs. Stainless steel proved to be very good — all of the materials that we have considered stainless steel was the second best Cutlery after gold".
The participants also found that copper and zinc are good enough if they are paired with sweet desserts. These metals have a very bitter taste by themselves, but combined with the sweet aroma in the mouth, the contrast enhances the sweetness of foods.