How to wean a child to lie
And why, by the way? Why to wean a child to lie? Why do you need it?
I anticipate the indignant reaction of readers-parents: "I don't want to raise a liar! My child will not be a liar, not a dishonest person! My child does not have to lie!".
Well, why so soon to go to extremes. Children lie in the age of 2-6 years does not mean that your child will grow up to be a calculating villain who will extort ladies retired to play cards. Understand that your own baby, speaking the truth in the face of you, the closest people seem to be a very unpleasant spectacle, and I want to stop the wrong behavior of the child quickly and with a guarantee. But wait a minute, okay? Listen.
So: what small child (aged 2 to 6 years) better and more colorful writing, so it will be successful in life. Canadian scientists conducted a study involving 1,200 children aged 2 to 16 years, which found that there is a close connection between quantity and quality of children's lies, as well as between General cognitive development (i.e., development of cognitive functions). Than the colorful and tricky to lie to the child, the more developed intellectually, the better it learns and the better its chances of success in life.
In fact, child psychologists know that the child is not lying — just for a small child there is not much difference between real events and those that have occurred in his imagination. When we talk about the baby, "he stopped believing in Santa Claus," thus giving to understand that he grew up and fairy tales no longer seem to him a reality. And for the youngest children this is so, they do not really understand what upset the mother when the child is told that a vase dropped the cat. Well, I'm telling mom: Murka soooo jump! Turned in the air three times, like in the circus! Ran on the ceiling! Yes, the vase dropped, yet jumped in here.
Of course, the child has absolutely no purpose to lie! When parents are angry and offended "the mendacity of a child," give him to understand that this is not true and lying is bad, the kid just lost. There are still no much difference between fantasy and reality. Therefore, the requirement of "no more lies" the child responds by suppressing ALL cognitive and creative abilities. He's still young, and filter "so I think, but not think so" – can not.
So you need to be very careful in the education of the veracity of children: those who in childhood had a lot written and fantasized, grow creative, successful and happier than those who, "accustomed to honesty", "freedom to lie", was forced to suppress the creative side of a person.
In General, while small — albeit composes. Still have time to talk to him about honesty. Adolescence is the time for it. And the little pre-schooler while with the global concepts of "lie" and "truth" simply can't cope...
Author: Elizabeth Pavlova
Source: psyholog-in-web.ru/2011/07/29/kak-otuchit-rebenka-vrat/