How to cross the river of time: 10 confident steps to the other side
All fairy tales in the world end with a wedding, and if there is an epilogue, it is this: “They lived happily and died in the same day.”
No one wants to describe what happened between the wedding and the funeral. How many pounds did the young woman gain after the first birth, how much did she weigh at forty, when her hair turned gray and her teeth fell out? It is clear to everyone that very often the wedding day is the last day of impeccable beauty in a woman’s life.
Unfortunately, for most of us, this is the case. I always applaud when I see exceptions.
February 2011. It's been 20 years since graduation. Meeting at the restaurant in honor of the general anniversary. Classmates of the sample “twenty years later” looked very different.
Between the fat clumsy mothers with a dull look, girls flew in tight pants of the 44th size, with perfect manicure and well-groomed hair. These fairies exuded a sea of charm, attracting a cloud of fashionable fragrance of our male boys.
A terrible difference. Why? Among the graceful beauties were not only unmarried classmates, who are in the eternal search for a prince, as it might seem at first glance.
Charming slender Allochka, the mother of two adult sons, bellowly talked about vacation with her husband in Spain, about interesting work and passion for archery. After this chirping gloomy fat women no longer wanted to complain about low wages, hard home life and “old age is not joy.”
When you see your age, exuding the aroma of success, beauty and youth, you involuntarily think: “What about the others?”
The answer to the question is known – wrapped in laziness, dragged into the pool of family worries, relaxed the long-standing status of a legitimate wife. And frightening wrinkles and saggy stomach reflection in the mirror, clothes in the closet is three sizes larger – this is the fate.
Wake up, girl! You're still young enough! Give your man and growing children the opportunity to be proud of you – beautiful, spectacular, charming. Love yourself! Take those 10 steps!
Step one.
We ask your family (not your husband, of course) to film you. The hidden camera is even better. So you don't pull your tummy in, straighten your shoulders, and look for a good angle. No celebratory hairstyle or killer makeup. It's the way it is. Look at yourself from the eyes of your loved ones, as they see you from day to day.
Attention! Watch the recording all alone! This is a shocking video exclusively for the "magic pendel" himself, the unloved. Trust me, it's a very effective way. You no longer have to convince yourself to start a new life. You will frantically begin to grasp any available way of losing weight and rejuvenating.
Step two.
Now we will make a light cosmetic repair. We will maximally decorate what is available. We will buy a few fashionable things of the right size (well, as is, tight sweatshirts from the slender past should be postponed), visit a beauty salon. In order to move on to the other stages of the return of attractiveness, you need to do everything possible to make the reflection in the mirror smile more welcoming tonight.
Step three.
We gather strength and visit a nutritionist-professional. You've had time to make sure that weight-loss activities add new pounds after every attempt. If the doctor advises a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist, do not hesitate. Health and beauty are tied to the sea knot, especially after forty it is visible to the naked eye.
Step four.
Now you need to start a new habit. Let's call it a beautiful movement. You will need to move not only more often and with a greater amplitude, but also beautifully. Imagine a hidden camera taking 24 hours. Everything is like cleaning, eating, talking on the phone, ironing clothes, walking down the street and taking the bus.
Imagine yourself every time. You will know what needs to be fixed so you can look better. Spread your shoulders, pull in your stomach, stretch your neck, spread your knees. To the beauty of everyday life should be added festive. Dance to your favorite music for twenty minutes a day, pose in front of the mirror like a model. Improve your walking, smile, look and gestures.
Step five.
It's time for a very important thing. It's flexibility. It turns out that age is emphasized not only by wrinkles on the face and fullness. People catch the eye of the clumsiness of the neck, spine, limbs. We don’t notice it ourselves, but flexibility goes away over the years, if, of course, we let things go. And may seem impossible to you at first, but the mobility of the body can not only return, but also develop new capabilities of muscles and joints.
Step Six.
We keep in mind the image we want. Everything must be represented in small things: how jeans sit on a slim figure, how well-groomed hair flutters, how bracelets ring on a flawless handle with a fashionable manicure. Imagine yourself successful in the workplace, in the company, at home. In order to maintain a positive mood and determination to approach the ideal as quickly as possible, we read books and websites about personal growth, achieving goals and just about universal happiness. Very effective, make no mistake!
Step seven.
Getting a fascination. Surely you always wanted to do something, but there were always reasons that dragged you away from your favorite occupation. Enough! Find the Internet and sign up for dancing, aikido, archery, sushi cooking courses. This is a very important step, you cannot miss it! Break the chain Work-Shop-House-Work! Tonight! Now! You will be surprised how much your attitude towards yourself will change, how different the attitude towards others will become.
Step eight.
Have frequent holidays. Why wait for the calendar New Year, March 8 and birthday? You do not need to call guests every time and arrange a feast, but a small surprise on the “Day of a successful conversation with the chief”, “Day of free space on the bus” and “Anniversary of the daughter five in English” can always be allowed. The festive mood is very reflected in the appearance. The muscles of the face behave differently, providing an instant circular lift from the inside. You'll get younger, you'll get better!
Step nine.
Creativity in any form! Knitting, embroidery, painting and painting on silk, processing photos, maintaining your own blog, poems and scripts for a children's holiday - anything! Are you saying there's no time for this? Nonsense! When there is interest, a creative itch, when the gin bursts out of the bottle, time is by itself. But the point is different. You will be active, bright, lively and insanely attractive. You will be drawn like the sun, like a clot of happiness, luck and boundless love.
Check it out?
Step ten.
Photo shoot. Be sure to have a professional photographer. Makeup is also better to trust the master. We need to see ourselves from the outside again. Confident, renewed, young and full of vital energy.
Try it! Everything is feasible. No one has managed to turn back the river of time. But you can move from the shore of despondency and laziness to the shore of a bright and interesting life.
Source: www.syntone.ru/library/article_other/content/7540.html?current_book_page=all