How we are manipulated by children: 14 good above
One million two hundred sixty six thousand two hundred twenty three
Our children are excellent manipulators. Upscale and professional! After all we, adults, often do not even track their tricks. But thanks to a variety of children's manipulation in your home appear incomprehensible and totally unnecessary items, receipts from the supermarket are increasingly a cause of painful regret, and stay at the parents ' meeting – the desire of shame to climb under the Desk.
Today we present to you 14 of the most successful children's manipulation, hearing that every parent, like a rabbit in headlights, momentarily losing the will and logic.
1. I have a little play (see cartoons). Yes, first a little, then a little more, and then another... You and the eye blink of an eye, as "little" will turn into at least an hour, and then not only to eat, time to sleep! Because the process of games, like cartoons, never ends, it's just worth remembering!
Output: the product should follow the mode of the day. If lunch is scheduled for 14.00 and end at 21.00 – show willpower and not succumb to any persuasions. Good "effect of the clock", get for a time clock or mobile phone to inform the child that the game is terminated by a signal.
2. And mom gave me permission! Yes, literally every mother lets their child and a Snickers bar instead of lunch, and walk without a hat! This method is in "excellent" working with dad, grandma or nanny, especially if the mother is in the house – the unquestioned authority and is used when mom's not home, it's logical. But guess and call my mom to clarify the truth in a logical step adults can very rarely, and it is quite in the hands of our young manipulators!
Output: 1. To check it out. 2. Remember that even if you are sitting at the computer, well, sooooo passionate about viewing friends ' profiles or in no way saying mindless "uh-huh," the children's questions. Because "yeah" is in other words "Yes" and rightly so. Who cares what you were in the depths of the Internet's vicissitudes.
3. I somehow feel bad. As soon as your young artist understands that he is seriously looming thunderstorm, he was struck by a sudden and very insidious disease! Strong and sharp pain in the abdomen, the ear, the head, the child without persuasion laid in bed and covers himself with the blanket, wincing from the pain – what mother's heart satisfied before such a spectacle? Parental instinct is much more powerful than any rage attacks, and you are concentrated on rushing to the kitchen for tea and with shaking hands put the baby thermometer.
Output: alas, it is not. The main thing that the alarm was false and for that we, as normal parents, ready to give everything and to forget about everything.
4. I will never do it again. Of course not! That's right – never. After all, the last time he was rude to the grandmother, but this time the mother, unless there is at least a hint of similarity?
Output: just forgive. And remember that in life there will be so much "Nacogdoches".
5. It itself! Artful cups and jump out of the closet on the floor, the soup directly attacking the child out of the pots, and the pants make such rotten stuff that it razletaetsya easy on the eyes, forming holes in the knees! With you it never happened? Amazing!
Output: he cleans, glues, buys a new. To go to leaky, of course, but if the truth will be told – as a punishment a couple of days and walk about. Home.
6. I'm not to blame! Traditional parent-teacher answered: "And who is to blame? Pushkin!" is very pleased with 3-4-year-old toddler still not familiar with the works of the great classics. But not know about what the presumption of innocence. After all, if he's innocent, and punish not for that.
Output: meditation and yoga. For parents. And Yes, tell the child, who is this mysterious Pushkin, on which to blame everything.
7. Can I have a drink? Before going to sleep exclusively on all children attacked by wild lust. And then in the toilet, that's logical, after water. Then hunger really want to eat... And in General – I'm scared, will you sit with me? Talk about the eternal, you know, Bear was told recently... Maybe a story? Or at least lie down together?
Exit: select to chat before bed a precise time. For example, one tale, and all; or the communication may continue on any topic and in any format while dad takes a shower. The fairy tale ended or dad came into the bedroom to wish the child good night – stop. Did dad argue.
8. Buy it for me, and I will... never be asked, the whole month, I eat well, I will always clean up their toys, will finish the quarter with good grades... to get what you want child is ready to promise you even the moon landing, what little things J?
Output: to understand the scale of global children's promises and not to expect the impossible. "Never" is yet again something very not want (who said it won't happen tomorrow night?), but "always" is about 1 day. By the way, if you are married, then all of these promises must be for a long time and are familiar with.
9. And Eugene these three... Usually this technique is used to extort purchases absolutely unnecessary things. Works 100%, because it affects several secret parent strings of the soul: once the parents of the other child got it, maybe it's the right thing; what my child worse; I can't baby happy? Needless to say, what are you doing after at least these three thoughts went through your head? Properly, humbly go to the checkout.
Output: to smile, to nod, to pull a child's hair and just pass on. Can't? Then pretend you do not know where in your house did this.
10. Today I have no homework. Of course not, but you don't do in school to learn? The best thing about school is recess and after school club. And... What are the lessons? Still homework? Of course not asked. Very, very. Nothing. The teacher was sick. Or was a control. Well, mother, what do you want, well can you call her and find out!
Exit: call the teacher. If you hesitate to bother the teacher a good idea after all to verify the existence of the "homework" some of the parents of his classmates. Trust? Nooo. Never heard of this.
11. Why do I to write correctly? I'm a programmer! No problem, even the Pope, but to be able to write correctly, to read well and correctly add the numbers necessary for a representative of any profession. Therefore, stand firmly on his own!
Yield: makes no sense to demand from the child the best estimates of unloved subject matter, he may do a future Steve jobs or bill gates. Your task is to help the child understand the necessary and do not earn a strong hatred for the teacher.
12. You are the best in the world! Of course, we often klyuem on outright childish flattery that his mother is the most beautiful, smart, amazing and kind – underline. And no matter what else your child refers to you as God, that is just not notice, until something is not required, the parent hearts, souls and wallets are often disclosed in response to such a basic manipulation!
Output: hug and tell you that you are so happy that you have such a smart, kind, gentle, selfless and loving son (or daughter). Curtain and hold the pause.
13. I will take you! Every child and then draws in his imagination plans for revenge, as he insulted and misunderstood, packing up in a sheet and proudly away like a Hedgehog in the fog. One. In danger. And the parents in tears, rushed after him, promising not only the ill-fated toys-gifts-ice cream, and theeeee... Well, just promise mountains of gold, yeah .
Output: to understand the depth of feelings of a little person and offer a Frank conversation. Of course, most care "to nowhere" has been delayed for some absolutely ridiculous reasons. Actually the child is just not enough your attention.
14. Well, I... you have no idea about the torture of the ancient Chinese? So all these "murderers" together – just a kindergarten in comparison with the persistence of your offspring. His constant whining can be stopped in only one way – to give what he asks.
Output: trying to switch the child's attention to something else. Degree of luck – 50 50, but still worth a try. published
Source: uaua.info
Our children are excellent manipulators. Upscale and professional! After all we, adults, often do not even track their tricks. But thanks to a variety of children's manipulation in your home appear incomprehensible and totally unnecessary items, receipts from the supermarket are increasingly a cause of painful regret, and stay at the parents ' meeting – the desire of shame to climb under the Desk.
Today we present to you 14 of the most successful children's manipulation, hearing that every parent, like a rabbit in headlights, momentarily losing the will and logic.
1. I have a little play (see cartoons). Yes, first a little, then a little more, and then another... You and the eye blink of an eye, as "little" will turn into at least an hour, and then not only to eat, time to sleep! Because the process of games, like cartoons, never ends, it's just worth remembering!
Output: the product should follow the mode of the day. If lunch is scheduled for 14.00 and end at 21.00 – show willpower and not succumb to any persuasions. Good "effect of the clock", get for a time clock or mobile phone to inform the child that the game is terminated by a signal.
2. And mom gave me permission! Yes, literally every mother lets their child and a Snickers bar instead of lunch, and walk without a hat! This method is in "excellent" working with dad, grandma or nanny, especially if the mother is in the house – the unquestioned authority and is used when mom's not home, it's logical. But guess and call my mom to clarify the truth in a logical step adults can very rarely, and it is quite in the hands of our young manipulators!
Output: 1. To check it out. 2. Remember that even if you are sitting at the computer, well, sooooo passionate about viewing friends ' profiles or in no way saying mindless "uh-huh," the children's questions. Because "yeah" is in other words "Yes" and rightly so. Who cares what you were in the depths of the Internet's vicissitudes.
3. I somehow feel bad. As soon as your young artist understands that he is seriously looming thunderstorm, he was struck by a sudden and very insidious disease! Strong and sharp pain in the abdomen, the ear, the head, the child without persuasion laid in bed and covers himself with the blanket, wincing from the pain – what mother's heart satisfied before such a spectacle? Parental instinct is much more powerful than any rage attacks, and you are concentrated on rushing to the kitchen for tea and with shaking hands put the baby thermometer.
Output: alas, it is not. The main thing that the alarm was false and for that we, as normal parents, ready to give everything and to forget about everything.
4. I will never do it again. Of course not! That's right – never. After all, the last time he was rude to the grandmother, but this time the mother, unless there is at least a hint of similarity?
Output: just forgive. And remember that in life there will be so much "Nacogdoches".
5. It itself! Artful cups and jump out of the closet on the floor, the soup directly attacking the child out of the pots, and the pants make such rotten stuff that it razletaetsya easy on the eyes, forming holes in the knees! With you it never happened? Amazing!
Output: he cleans, glues, buys a new. To go to leaky, of course, but if the truth will be told – as a punishment a couple of days and walk about. Home.
6. I'm not to blame! Traditional parent-teacher answered: "And who is to blame? Pushkin!" is very pleased with 3-4-year-old toddler still not familiar with the works of the great classics. But not know about what the presumption of innocence. After all, if he's innocent, and punish not for that.
Output: meditation and yoga. For parents. And Yes, tell the child, who is this mysterious Pushkin, on which to blame everything.
7. Can I have a drink? Before going to sleep exclusively on all children attacked by wild lust. And then in the toilet, that's logical, after water. Then hunger really want to eat... And in General – I'm scared, will you sit with me? Talk about the eternal, you know, Bear was told recently... Maybe a story? Or at least lie down together?
Exit: select to chat before bed a precise time. For example, one tale, and all; or the communication may continue on any topic and in any format while dad takes a shower. The fairy tale ended or dad came into the bedroom to wish the child good night – stop. Did dad argue.
8. Buy it for me, and I will... never be asked, the whole month, I eat well, I will always clean up their toys, will finish the quarter with good grades... to get what you want child is ready to promise you even the moon landing, what little things J?
Output: to understand the scale of global children's promises and not to expect the impossible. "Never" is yet again something very not want (who said it won't happen tomorrow night?), but "always" is about 1 day. By the way, if you are married, then all of these promises must be for a long time and are familiar with.
9. And Eugene these three... Usually this technique is used to extort purchases absolutely unnecessary things. Works 100%, because it affects several secret parent strings of the soul: once the parents of the other child got it, maybe it's the right thing; what my child worse; I can't baby happy? Needless to say, what are you doing after at least these three thoughts went through your head? Properly, humbly go to the checkout.
Output: to smile, to nod, to pull a child's hair and just pass on. Can't? Then pretend you do not know where in your house did this.
10. Today I have no homework. Of course not, but you don't do in school to learn? The best thing about school is recess and after school club. And... What are the lessons? Still homework? Of course not asked. Very, very. Nothing. The teacher was sick. Or was a control. Well, mother, what do you want, well can you call her and find out!
Exit: call the teacher. If you hesitate to bother the teacher a good idea after all to verify the existence of the "homework" some of the parents of his classmates. Trust? Nooo. Never heard of this.
11. Why do I to write correctly? I'm a programmer! No problem, even the Pope, but to be able to write correctly, to read well and correctly add the numbers necessary for a representative of any profession. Therefore, stand firmly on his own!
Yield: makes no sense to demand from the child the best estimates of unloved subject matter, he may do a future Steve jobs or bill gates. Your task is to help the child understand the necessary and do not earn a strong hatred for the teacher.
12. You are the best in the world! Of course, we often klyuem on outright childish flattery that his mother is the most beautiful, smart, amazing and kind – underline. And no matter what else your child refers to you as God, that is just not notice, until something is not required, the parent hearts, souls and wallets are often disclosed in response to such a basic manipulation!
Output: hug and tell you that you are so happy that you have such a smart, kind, gentle, selfless and loving son (or daughter). Curtain and hold the pause.
13. I will take you! Every child and then draws in his imagination plans for revenge, as he insulted and misunderstood, packing up in a sheet and proudly away like a Hedgehog in the fog. One. In danger. And the parents in tears, rushed after him, promising not only the ill-fated toys-gifts-ice cream, and theeeee... Well, just promise mountains of gold, yeah .
Output: to understand the depth of feelings of a little person and offer a Frank conversation. Of course, most care "to nowhere" has been delayed for some absolutely ridiculous reasons. Actually the child is just not enough your attention.
14. Well, I... you have no idea about the torture of the ancient Chinese? So all these "murderers" together – just a kindergarten in comparison with the persistence of your offspring. His constant whining can be stopped in only one way – to give what he asks.
Output: trying to switch the child's attention to something else. Degree of luck – 50 50, but still worth a try. published
Source: uaua.info