Super-hydrophobic substance on the walls of houses in Germany
Eighty eight million one hundred eighty two thousand twenty six
Residents of the city of Hamburg in Germany can now sleep peacefully: their streets and alleys are always clean and dry, because who likes the smell of urine under the Windows of his house. The fact is that the local Department, tired of the eternal struggle against the criminals, which in the evening hours well "refueled" beer, no doubt satisfied with the toilet right on the streets of the city, has solved this problem by painting the walls a super-hydrophobic substance. This super-hydrophobic liquid upon the slightest exposure to liquid jets simply repels it, and what is most interesting — the impact of the liquid jet such that the one who comes this idea to recover on the wall, dip your feet own urine. This experiment has shown itself in action. Super-hydrophobic liquid, in an experiment, were processed by the walls of the houses of several neighborhoods of the city. Local residents and municipal services have rated this simple but effective method of dealing with offenders of cleanliness and order. As a warning substance on the treated plots were placed warning signs. But alas, at first verbal warning did not work, and wanting to turn the wall of a house in a street urinal was not enough, but now wanting to wet my feet became much smaller.published
Source: allfreefoto.ru