Signs of improvement in the vibrations of the person
Every person, being the aggregate of vibrations of particles, molecules, cells, organs has its individual vibration frequency.
Total frequency depends on many factors: condition of the body, from quality of food, bad habits, hygiene, communication with environment, climate, time of year; the quality of the senses, purity of thought...etc. factors.
People with light vibration – the one that is constantly in a state of inner joy, calm, peace, love and silence within.
It feels comfortable, because it is in harmony with the surrounding world and himself. In that state of balance, the body and all the glands are working smoothly, and, respectively, and their subordinate organs, tissues and cells.
Very reduce the frequency of negative feelings: fear, envy, anger, greed... Any unseemly act, the negative thoughts and feelings pollute the bodies, aggravate them, and the person begins to vibrate at lower frequencies. There is another expression: "heavy soul", "dirty mind" — it also speaks to the low vibration of the soul and mind.
A lot of those "sounds too low", constantly faced in life with negative events, negative situations.
The more love-filled person, the more he is free and happy, the more great his physical body, the higher the harmonious total sound of its vibrations. The combination of all these vibrations and determines the inner sound of the person.
The state of joy and happiness comes at a great disclosure of spiritual qualities. A person is in good health, a great relationship with the people necessary financial support, reveal creative abilities. His condition applies to the inner circle, relatives, friends, brightening their lives and can also have an impact on the whole World.
While in this state, man forms his destiny, harmoniously interacting with the world and the Universe.He lives and enjoys life! It can solve higher tasks. This is the man the Creator. Increasing the frequency of vibration, one becomes increasingly free, there are talents undiscovered abilities, improved well-being, health and potential.
Signs of increasing vibration:Reduces the amount of food required. The feeling of hunger does not arise. This occurs for the reason that together with the level of vibration increased the energy potential, the Body ceases to make the hard (inferior) food.
Decreases the time needed for sleep. Lost the feeling of lack of sleep and all day in the body there is a vigor...
Dreams become lucid, alive and bright, then disappear altogether. Replaced them an experience of light in dreams. The dividing line between dream and reality...
Body becomes light, it feels volatile energy. Wings behind the back...
We begin to feel keenly the people. One look at a person or even a photo is enough to feel its essence. We become more sensitive to the subtle plane. Raising your frequency level, we begin to perceive the higher frequencies of other people and find out about these people a lot more than they know about themselves...
Decreases or completely disappears the need to communicate, loneliness becomes pleasant. There is a sense of completeness and self-sufficiency. There is the understanding that everything external is only a reflection of the internal. There is no need to look for what previously seemed in the others, but not you...
Purely the fear and self-doubt. They become no longer functional, because there is complete acceptance of everything that happens. At a higher frequency level, the mind ceases to bring the ideas of fear and uncertainty... as well as many other ideas...
Meaning once read spiritual books becomes clear and understandable in itself. There comes a time of awareness...
There is a feeling of absolute confidence in the correctness of the goal. There is no doubt where we are going and why. Comes in the intuition which is never wrong...
Increases our impact on the environment. What we say or think, begins to come true. That's what people used to call miracles. They start to happen every second... So evident energy potential...
Come experience the causeless joy of what is happening. It is the result of liberation from fears and insecurities... Damn nice feeling...
Wakes up sincere compassion and desire to help others and there are opportunities for this. Again, very selectively, based on their own intuition...
There are glimpses of true being. There is a desire to move without stopping and reach the end. There is a feeling that this is what you've looking for all my life, this is what you waited for, it is this is you... And will never cease to be! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: rodoswet.ru/13-priznakov-povysheniya-chastoty-vibracij/
Total frequency depends on many factors: condition of the body, from quality of food, bad habits, hygiene, communication with environment, climate, time of year; the quality of the senses, purity of thought...etc. factors.

People with light vibration – the one that is constantly in a state of inner joy, calm, peace, love and silence within.
It feels comfortable, because it is in harmony with the surrounding world and himself. In that state of balance, the body and all the glands are working smoothly, and, respectively, and their subordinate organs, tissues and cells.
Very reduce the frequency of negative feelings: fear, envy, anger, greed... Any unseemly act, the negative thoughts and feelings pollute the bodies, aggravate them, and the person begins to vibrate at lower frequencies. There is another expression: "heavy soul", "dirty mind" — it also speaks to the low vibration of the soul and mind.
A lot of those "sounds too low", constantly faced in life with negative events, negative situations.
The more love-filled person, the more he is free and happy, the more great his physical body, the higher the harmonious total sound of its vibrations. The combination of all these vibrations and determines the inner sound of the person.
The state of joy and happiness comes at a great disclosure of spiritual qualities. A person is in good health, a great relationship with the people necessary financial support, reveal creative abilities. His condition applies to the inner circle, relatives, friends, brightening their lives and can also have an impact on the whole World.
While in this state, man forms his destiny, harmoniously interacting with the world and the Universe.He lives and enjoys life! It can solve higher tasks. This is the man the Creator. Increasing the frequency of vibration, one becomes increasingly free, there are talents undiscovered abilities, improved well-being, health and potential.
Signs of increasing vibration:Reduces the amount of food required. The feeling of hunger does not arise. This occurs for the reason that together with the level of vibration increased the energy potential, the Body ceases to make the hard (inferior) food.
Decreases the time needed for sleep. Lost the feeling of lack of sleep and all day in the body there is a vigor...
Dreams become lucid, alive and bright, then disappear altogether. Replaced them an experience of light in dreams. The dividing line between dream and reality...
Body becomes light, it feels volatile energy. Wings behind the back...
We begin to feel keenly the people. One look at a person or even a photo is enough to feel its essence. We become more sensitive to the subtle plane. Raising your frequency level, we begin to perceive the higher frequencies of other people and find out about these people a lot more than they know about themselves...
Decreases or completely disappears the need to communicate, loneliness becomes pleasant. There is a sense of completeness and self-sufficiency. There is the understanding that everything external is only a reflection of the internal. There is no need to look for what previously seemed in the others, but not you...
Purely the fear and self-doubt. They become no longer functional, because there is complete acceptance of everything that happens. At a higher frequency level, the mind ceases to bring the ideas of fear and uncertainty... as well as many other ideas...
Meaning once read spiritual books becomes clear and understandable in itself. There comes a time of awareness...
There is a feeling of absolute confidence in the correctness of the goal. There is no doubt where we are going and why. Comes in the intuition which is never wrong...
Increases our impact on the environment. What we say or think, begins to come true. That's what people used to call miracles. They start to happen every second... So evident energy potential...
Come experience the causeless joy of what is happening. It is the result of liberation from fears and insecurities... Damn nice feeling...
Wakes up sincere compassion and desire to help others and there are opportunities for this. Again, very selectively, based on their own intuition...
There are glimpses of true being. There is a desire to move without stopping and reach the end. There is a feeling that this is what you've looking for all my life, this is what you waited for, it is this is you... And will never cease to be! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: rodoswet.ru/13-priznakov-povysheniya-chastoty-vibracij/
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