Healing drink from 3 ingredients that will greatly enhance Your health!

This drink was invented in Germany. It consists of garlic, lemon, ginger and water. The combination of 3 simple products very positive effect on the health and General condition of the body. But most importantly – this drink can cure clogged arteries, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, cure the common cold. Also, this medication takes away tiredness and is a good prevention of infectious diseases. It strengthens the immune system and good for the liver.
To prepare this Wellness elixir You will need:
- 4 large garlic cloves;
- 4 lemon with peel;
- a small ginger root;
- 2 liters of pure water.
1.Lemons cut into small pieces. Clean the garlic and with lemon and ginger and grind in a blender.
2. Place the mixture into a metal container and pour two liters of water.
3. Place a container on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil, constantly stirring.
4. Leave the drink to cool, and then strain it through a sieve and pour into glass bottles.
Drink this medicine every day at least 2 hours before food or on an empty stomach. Don't worry about the smell of garlic, because the lemon will neutralize it. published
Source: takprosto.cc/lekarstvo-iz-limona-chesnoka-i-imbirya/