Unique garden paths of stone with his own hands

Endurance, durability and variety make gravel is the perfect material to create stunning mosaic compositions. Stones of different colors, sizes and shapes — a great base for the creative patterns, or entire paintings. Even just laying the exact same color and dimensions of the stones along or across the pattern looks like a work of art. The process of mosaic creation is very entertaining, but requires patience, imagination and time. You do not occupy? Then for the cause!
In order to make the mosaic was kept for many years, it is important to ensure a reliable basis. Remove the upper fertile layer of soil. Minimum depth — 25 cm (respectively for the roadway it should be more).

For stability of the flooring the right curb (for example, pavers or boulders). If patterned coating will be subjected to increased load, edging set in cement mortar. Pour in the trench base layer of gravel (thickness about 15 cm) and carefully tamp. Pour the gravel 10 cm layer of dry mix of sand and cement and gently press the stones at him. And don't forget plenty of water! We recommend you to first lay out the pattern on the sand, using different templates, and only then transfer the motive on the "cushion" of fluid. Sure you got a good eye? Make wonderful mosaics without estimates! For the "pen test" is better to choose a small area and a simple motif. Put the stones in a dry mixture of sand with cement. On top of the finished mosaic place Board and push — flooring is smooth. If you need backfill sand-cement mixture: the stones must protrude from the base is approximately 5 cm. Then gently pour your masterpiece with water from the dispenser. On the surface you can step after solidification of the mixture, however, for the next two weeks it is desirable to cover the mosaic of awning to protect from sun and rain. Go for it!

To start take the individual stepping plate (see picture below). Form for "baking" such gravel "pancakes" will serve a large tray of pots.

1. For the manufacture of stepper plates you will need grout. Sand-cement mixture, dilute with water and fill it bendable shape with a layer thickness of about 5 cm Smooth surface.
2. Pattern you can come up with spontaneously or be trained in advance in his "essay". The stones did well push them to the edge, not the flat sides.
3. While the design is drying, protect from direct sunlight. Wait at least 24 hours before removing the plate from the mold. The remains of the mortar on the stones can to wipe brush or rinse.
Note that all the solution sets only 14 days, and do not expose the stove once loads.

The stones are already waiting in the wings. It is best suited for creativity wide oblong specimens, ideally in a variety of colors and shapes.

For complex pattern required a large supply of stones of all colors and shades. The mosaic pictured below complement the gems of glass — lined wings of a shiny stone insects.

The space between the plates or nezamisimaya area — ideal "testing ground" for gravel mosaic, which can take any form. "Frame" of the pavers will not allow the stones to move.

Two perfectly matching material — shards and items from frost resistant ceramics will make a striking contrast to the small rounded stones earthy and grayish colors.published

Source: www.7dach.ru