Romanesco — the most beautiful cabbage in the world

Ordinary cabbage we see very often — nothing unusual in it. But the Romanesco is quite another matter: broccoli takes the form of a fractal (a complex geometrical shape that looks almost the same in all scale factor). Thus, each individual piece of broccoli consists of small flowers, and they mimic the fractal shape to perfection, which is obtained from even smaller.
Romanesco is a mathematical miracle and is reminiscent of the Fibonacci series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 further. Is a sequence of numbers that add up to the following number. But as broccoli simulates a number of complex numbers?At the highest magnification, Romanesco is a spiral that starts from the center point. All the small flowers are arranged around the spiral. In essence, it is the number of arcs whose radii are equal to the numbers in the Fibonacci chain is "living" the Fibonacci spiral.

If You tear off part of the inflorescence (one flower), you will see that You're holding a mini version of broccoli with their mini-flowers. What part of the fractal You are considered, with its increase will still see the identical picture. Strangely enough, this "perfect" vegetable is found in nature.
The inflorescence is a typical Romanesco weighs between 300 and 600 grams. And due to the fact that close relatives of the vegetable are cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, it is rich in folic acid, potassium, vitamin C and fiber.

To prepare this cabbage is also not difficult: worldwide, in most cases, it is prepared like broccoli, and only in Italy there are special recipes, the secrets of which have not been disclosed. If you try it, you will feel the taste, reminiscent of broccoli, but with a special nut note and a more delicate texture.

In fact, the French name of this miracle of nature "chou Romanesco", which means "cabbage Roman". But this vegetable with alien species should have a more interesting name. Because really looks like Romanesco broccoli from another planet.
If You want to learn fractal vegetables more but do not have access to Romanesco, do not despair. Even cauliflower, pine cones, sunflowers and pineapples are examples of Fibonacci spirals.published

Source: mif-facts.com.ua