Seedlings of cucumbers: how to grow vegetable
The cultivation of cucumber seedlings
Cucumber is a heat – loving plant, which is characterized by high requirements to moisture content in the soil and light regime. This vegetable can be cultivated by sowing directly into the ground nonseedlings way, but it is better to grow seedlings.
For the implementation of the seed in the ground you need to wait until the soil warms up to 18°C. In the middle lane it is not before June. Therefore, the seedling method is preferable to harvest you can get much earlier.
As a pre-sowing preparation of seeds carefully carried out the calibration and decontamination. Calibration is the procedure for the selection of seeds by size. You will need to sort them in the following way: large, medium, small. You can plant all, but individually different caliber in different boxes or cups. Then the seedlings will be uniform and the ripening of the harvest will take place evenly.
You need to disinfect wet the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Enough to hold 30 minutes. The seeds are then soaked in water temperature of up to +30°C for two days. Water needs to be changed, and the temperature – to maintain (you can do it on the Central heating). Then the seeds germinated in damp cloth until the formation of a small white root.
Once the seeds held, clean (disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate) pots or a seedling boxes filled with soil for vegetables that you can buy in the store. The ground before it is also desirable to disinfect is to shed hot solution of potassium permanganate or warm up in the oven.
To get a good crop of cucumbers, it is necessary to fertilize them regularly.
Soil for planting should be moist. The pots are small holes, into each of which is placed at the two seed. If the germination rate will be one hundred percent, weaker sprout later can be removed. Drilling depth – not more than half an inch. Sprinkled on top of the soil moistened by the spray, the pots take cover transparent polyethylene or glass until seedlings are at a temperature of +27...29°C. Next, the temperature can be lowered to room. The seedling is the desired mode of high humidity and lots of light.
After the appearance of the three leaves of the seedlings can be planted in the greenhouse or protected ground. Ready to plant the plants before you move should be watered abundantly. To shed water and also have prepared the hole. Planted seedlings along with the ball, so as not to damage the roots. The hole around the stem, sprinkle the soil, the soil is slightly compacted, watered again and immediately guide the growth of seedlings the top on a pre-arranged trellis, tying them with twine. Fixed so whip borage will get enough light and air, to form a good ovary.
Caring for seedlings of cucumbers is a timely loosening the soil, weeding, fertilizing and required frequent (in the heat – daily) watering. For dressing you need to use nitrogen and potash fertilizers and be sure to add magnesium sulfate and copper sulfate.published
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Source: domashniy.ru/