Folk remedies restore the hormonal balance
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Treatment failure with sage and goose cinquefoilto Stimulate the production of estrogen can be a sage. It brew it and drink from 6 th to 15-th day of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone will be produced actively, if you drink the decoctions and infusions of goose cinquefoil, cross the meadow and lady's mantle. One of these herbs should be taken from 16 th to 25-th day of the cycle. After that you should take a break before the start of menstruation.
All the herbs should be brewed in the following manner: a tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of hot water, infused for 15 minutes, or evaporated in a water bath. Medication to drink before eating a third of a Cup, as they are the best absorbed on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 3 months, then I need to do a "breathing space" for 1 month (otherwise you may get food Allergy). Then you can repeat the course.
Treatment failure oregano and hops
No wonder the oregano for centuries called "women's herb": it promotes the production of female sex hormones and helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. This useful plant is very easy to cook. The grass dried, ground and brewed are 2 tablespoons in a glass of boiling water. Then the medication leave for 20 minutes, then drink warm before meals twice a day half a Cup.
A similar therapeutic effect and has hops. Brew it in a thermos tablespoon of the raw material was mixed with 250 ml of water and leave for 8 hours. Drink infusion before meals (2-3 times daily) half a Cup. The secret of hops and oregano that they are powerful phytoestrogens. Some women even use the funds for breast augmentation.
Treatment failure lime and flaxLinden Flowers are used in the treatment of hormonal failure, along with vitamins A, E and folic acid. Folk healers advise to brew as a tea, infusing for 10 minutes. Drink this healthy and delicious drug three times a day, getting a powerful vitamin charge.
Source of natural estrogen is also len. Its seeds are useful to add in fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt) one tablespoon twice a day.
Treatment of hormonal failure of the mallow and the nettle isAnother effective folk remedy for the treatment hormonal failure is Malva. The crushed roots of this plant (one tablespoon) add in boiling milk (1 Cup) boiled for ten minutes. When the time comes, healing broth is removed from heat, cooled to room temperature and drink slowly throughout the day.
A good tool that can help normalize hormones is the may nettle. The leaves of this plant fill the bottle and pour vodka. Do not close the infusion tube, and put to steep in a well-lit place for one week. After this medicine is removed in a dark place for another week. When the time comes, take a tablespoon of the tincture before meals.
Treatment failure onionHormonal failure often leads to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). To treat this disease traditional medicine uses remedies based on onion. There are several ways of making these drugs.
Method 1. The glass scales of onion, pour boiling water (500 ml) and boil for about 20 minutes. Then the drug tsedyat, cool and drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach.
Method 2. 5 heads of onions clean, wash and finely shred. Then, it is mixed with chopped garlic (3-4 cloves) and pour the milk. The drug mixture is warm or until the onions are soft. Then remove from fire and mix with honey. To drink a potion you need three times a day one tablespoon.
Method 3. The 4 bulbs are cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater, mix with chopped marshmallow root (2 pieces), pour boiling water (5 cups) and boil for 20 minutes. Before taking medication from heat (5-7 minutes), add a teaspoon of carnation and half a teaspoon of dry ammonia. Ready broth the tail through a thick layer of gauze and cooled to room temperature. Drink means a quarter Cup. However, begin use before the onset of menses (3 days).
Method 4. Four cups of onion scales fray and pour three cups of boiling water, add a couple of tablespoons cloves, two tablespoons of clover and boiled for 20 minutes. When the time comes, the broth should strain and drink 30 minutes before eating a quarter Cup.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_gormonalnii_sboii_nar.php
Treatment failure with sage and goose cinquefoilto Stimulate the production of estrogen can be a sage. It brew it and drink from 6 th to 15-th day of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone will be produced actively, if you drink the decoctions and infusions of goose cinquefoil, cross the meadow and lady's mantle. One of these herbs should be taken from 16 th to 25-th day of the cycle. After that you should take a break before the start of menstruation.
All the herbs should be brewed in the following manner: a tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of hot water, infused for 15 minutes, or evaporated in a water bath. Medication to drink before eating a third of a Cup, as they are the best absorbed on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 3 months, then I need to do a "breathing space" for 1 month (otherwise you may get food Allergy). Then you can repeat the course.
Treatment failure oregano and hops
No wonder the oregano for centuries called "women's herb": it promotes the production of female sex hormones and helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. This useful plant is very easy to cook. The grass dried, ground and brewed are 2 tablespoons in a glass of boiling water. Then the medication leave for 20 minutes, then drink warm before meals twice a day half a Cup.
A similar therapeutic effect and has hops. Brew it in a thermos tablespoon of the raw material was mixed with 250 ml of water and leave for 8 hours. Drink infusion before meals (2-3 times daily) half a Cup. The secret of hops and oregano that they are powerful phytoestrogens. Some women even use the funds for breast augmentation.
Treatment failure lime and flaxLinden Flowers are used in the treatment of hormonal failure, along with vitamins A, E and folic acid. Folk healers advise to brew as a tea, infusing for 10 minutes. Drink this healthy and delicious drug three times a day, getting a powerful vitamin charge.
Source of natural estrogen is also len. Its seeds are useful to add in fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt) one tablespoon twice a day.
Treatment of hormonal failure of the mallow and the nettle isAnother effective folk remedy for the treatment hormonal failure is Malva. The crushed roots of this plant (one tablespoon) add in boiling milk (1 Cup) boiled for ten minutes. When the time comes, healing broth is removed from heat, cooled to room temperature and drink slowly throughout the day.
A good tool that can help normalize hormones is the may nettle. The leaves of this plant fill the bottle and pour vodka. Do not close the infusion tube, and put to steep in a well-lit place for one week. After this medicine is removed in a dark place for another week. When the time comes, take a tablespoon of the tincture before meals.
Treatment failure onionHormonal failure often leads to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). To treat this disease traditional medicine uses remedies based on onion. There are several ways of making these drugs.
Method 1. The glass scales of onion, pour boiling water (500 ml) and boil for about 20 minutes. Then the drug tsedyat, cool and drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach.
Method 2. 5 heads of onions clean, wash and finely shred. Then, it is mixed with chopped garlic (3-4 cloves) and pour the milk. The drug mixture is warm or until the onions are soft. Then remove from fire and mix with honey. To drink a potion you need three times a day one tablespoon.
Method 3. The 4 bulbs are cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater, mix with chopped marshmallow root (2 pieces), pour boiling water (5 cups) and boil for 20 minutes. Before taking medication from heat (5-7 minutes), add a teaspoon of carnation and half a teaspoon of dry ammonia. Ready broth the tail through a thick layer of gauze and cooled to room temperature. Drink means a quarter Cup. However, begin use before the onset of menses (3 days).
Method 4. Four cups of onion scales fray and pour three cups of boiling water, add a couple of tablespoons cloves, two tablespoons of clover and boiled for 20 minutes. When the time comes, the broth should strain and drink 30 minutes before eating a quarter Cup.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_gormonalnii_sboii_nar.php
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