Therapeutic and cosmetic properties of peas
It turns out that food from peas are not only delicious, but also cures some diseases.
1. Peas is crucial in clinical nutrition. Appreciate its high content of easily digestible proteins. Peas are rich in carbohydrates, minerals, salts of potassium, manganese, iron and phosphorus. Green peas contain b vitamins, C and PP. Pea is also the source of one of the deficient amino acid – lysine. It is necessary in the diet of patients with cardiovascular diseases.
2. The people of pea broth used as a diuretic to help dissolve kidney stones.
3. Pea flour is scalded with boiling water and used as poultices to soften and rapid resorption of boils. Also pea flour was used as a poultice to soften abscesses and boils, and the ancient Romans used this flour as a cosmetic. And now the mask of pea flour and whey was used to cleanse the skin and make it soft and elastic.
4. For the treatment of eczema, purulent wounds, bruises, acne make a paste of green peas with egg white.
5. For dermatitis and measles for skin rashes make lotions from the infusion of the fruit peas and pods.
6. Pea soup from peas, grated with oil, recommended for gastric and duodenal ulcers.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ecology.md
1 6 lazy and destructive excuse of the weak
3 plants reduce inflammation and pain more effective than drugs