Pilates: 5 exercises to reduce waist and hips
Six million three hundred seventy three thousand seven hundred twelve
Usually areas in which the most active fat accumulation are the waist and hip. This problem is very common in women, its cause can be genetic predisposition and bad habits repeated every day. The results are well known — most often it is low self-esteem or various kinds of health problems.
Still there is no simple and simultaneously effective method of combating fatty deposits; it is necessary to consider that the important role is played by several factors, and to successfully cope with the problem, you need to keep them under control.
Today we want to introduce you to some exercises from the system Pilates: they are ideally suited in order to naturally reduce the amount of fat accumulated on the waist and hips. The results of Pilates are really impressive.
Do leg lifts While performing this exercise, it is crucial to keep concentration and balance. First lie down on your side, put your head on a hand, legs should be straight (one in another).
Pick up the leg, from above; it must be absolutely straight. When lifting the abdominal muscles need to be tensed; the back should remain flat.
Another variant of this exercise is standing up with his hands on the floor. Side-lying ebopras hands, then raise your right leg, pulling itfrom yourself and a bit ago: it should form a straight line with the torso.
Performing any of these exercises, you need to stay in balance for at least five seconds; do 20 repetitions and change sides.
ScissorsLie on your back, raise one leg up, other leg should remain straight on the floor. Try to lift the leg as high as possible, while not taking away from the floor the back. Do 10 slow lifts and do the exercise with the other leg.
Side swing For this exercise, lay on your side leaning on bent at the elbow; the back should be straight. Feet should be slightly in front of the line of the hips: it will help you keep your balance and protect your lower back. Hips and back should not move in this exercise is only active leg (absolutely straight).
Mermaid This exercise is ideal for reducing waist size and extension of the spine. To begin, sit on the floor, legs bent at the knees and a wound to the left side. The back should be straight, abdominal muscles tense. On inhale raise your right hand, slowly pull up and slightly bend at the elbow above your head. Slightly tilt the body (from the waist up) in the same direction as the hand; stay in this position for a few seconds and return to starting position. Put your hand down on the floor; the maximum pull up his other hand and at the same time, pushing the support arm from the floor, raise your hips up. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat 5 times.
The bow In this exercise, actively working buttocks, waist and legs. Starting position: lie on your stomach, the body must be absolutely flat. Then bend your legs and grasp the ankles with your hands from the outside.
Holding the body and hips on the floor, do two respiratory cycle and try for maximum stretch while maintaining the position of the body.
On inhale turn your body into a bow: take legs back and up (they lifted from the floor), hands drawn back, they must remain straight as long as possible. Raise the head and chest from the floor without reducing the tension of the bow in the legs.
On the exhale gently down on the floor and get some rest.
Again take the initial position and get back in the bow pose. Don't forget that you need to feel the tension; the only reference point of the body is press. Try to stay in this pose from 20 seconds to 1 minute; the breathing should be calm, keep control of the position of the body.
To complete the exercise, gently get down on the floor, release the ankles, stretch your arms and rest.
A few tips to improve results to achieve the best results, by doing these exercises, it is important to consider such factors as nutrition.
P. S. And remember, just changing your intake, we, together change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/
Usually areas in which the most active fat accumulation are the waist and hip. This problem is very common in women, its cause can be genetic predisposition and bad habits repeated every day. The results are well known — most often it is low self-esteem or various kinds of health problems.
Still there is no simple and simultaneously effective method of combating fatty deposits; it is necessary to consider that the important role is played by several factors, and to successfully cope with the problem, you need to keep them under control.
Today we want to introduce you to some exercises from the system Pilates: they are ideally suited in order to naturally reduce the amount of fat accumulated on the waist and hips. The results of Pilates are really impressive.
Do leg lifts While performing this exercise, it is crucial to keep concentration and balance. First lie down on your side, put your head on a hand, legs should be straight (one in another).
Pick up the leg, from above; it must be absolutely straight. When lifting the abdominal muscles need to be tensed; the back should remain flat.
Another variant of this exercise is standing up with his hands on the floor. Side-lying ebopras hands, then raise your right leg, pulling itfrom yourself and a bit ago: it should form a straight line with the torso.
Performing any of these exercises, you need to stay in balance for at least five seconds; do 20 repetitions and change sides.
ScissorsLie on your back, raise one leg up, other leg should remain straight on the floor. Try to lift the leg as high as possible, while not taking away from the floor the back. Do 10 slow lifts and do the exercise with the other leg.
Side swing For this exercise, lay on your side leaning on bent at the elbow; the back should be straight. Feet should be slightly in front of the line of the hips: it will help you keep your balance and protect your lower back. Hips and back should not move in this exercise is only active leg (absolutely straight).
Mermaid This exercise is ideal for reducing waist size and extension of the spine. To begin, sit on the floor, legs bent at the knees and a wound to the left side. The back should be straight, abdominal muscles tense. On inhale raise your right hand, slowly pull up and slightly bend at the elbow above your head. Slightly tilt the body (from the waist up) in the same direction as the hand; stay in this position for a few seconds and return to starting position. Put your hand down on the floor; the maximum pull up his other hand and at the same time, pushing the support arm from the floor, raise your hips up. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat 5 times.
The bow In this exercise, actively working buttocks, waist and legs. Starting position: lie on your stomach, the body must be absolutely flat. Then bend your legs and grasp the ankles with your hands from the outside.
Holding the body and hips on the floor, do two respiratory cycle and try for maximum stretch while maintaining the position of the body.
On inhale turn your body into a bow: take legs back and up (they lifted from the floor), hands drawn back, they must remain straight as long as possible. Raise the head and chest from the floor without reducing the tension of the bow in the legs.
On the exhale gently down on the floor and get some rest.
Again take the initial position and get back in the bow pose. Don't forget that you need to feel the tension; the only reference point of the body is press. Try to stay in this pose from 20 seconds to 1 minute; the breathing should be calm, keep control of the position of the body.
To complete the exercise, gently get down on the floor, release the ankles, stretch your arms and rest.
A few tips to improve results to achieve the best results, by doing these exercises, it is important to consider such factors as nutrition.
- Include in your diet a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, seeds.
- Stop using products with a high content of cholesterol and fats; try to avoid fried foods, fast food, sodas and other junk food.
- Drink at least 1 liter of water daily.
- During the day, eat often but in small portions.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your intake, we, together change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/