The conspiracy of pharmacists (+Video)
Thirty three million nine hundred eighty nine thousand five hundred twenty six
Profitable pharmaceutical industry to invent drugs to relieve symptoms, not treat disease. According to statistics, a goiter is suffering 90% of the population. In pharmacies sold dozens of drugs against the disease. Probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotic, and other "tick". Frighten us — if not treated goiter, it can lead to serious consequences, up to immunodeficiency and even mental disorders! The only problem is that officially there are no symptoms of dysbiosis, as he himself – a symptom!
Before pharmaceutical companies are increasingly faced with the problem of how to stimulate demand? It's very simple. You can create it from scratch. The easiest way to invent the disease and then invent a medicine for it.
How do pharmaceutical companies manage all to do? To do this, they have marketing departments. The paradox is that while the plants are stamped tablet from the fictional disease, there are many real, from which the drug is not yet there. Why? The answer is simple – it is unprofitable.
In the program take part:
Barry James Marshall — Nobel laureate, Professor of Microbiology
Vasily V. Vlasov — Professor, doctor of medical Sciences. the President of the society of specialists in evidence-based medicine.
Shane Ellison — biochemist from the US, more than 10 years working in multinational pharmaceutical company
Andrey Shulzhenko — the chief of Department of Allergology and immunotherapy, Institute of immunology of FMBA of Russia
Pavel A. Vorobiev, Professor, doctor of medical Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Formulary Committee of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov — PhD, formerly the chief doctor of the Kremlin hospital at the office of the President of the Russian Federation.
Ivan Glushkov head of corporate development pharmaceutical company.published
Source: www.ecology.md
Profitable pharmaceutical industry to invent drugs to relieve symptoms, not treat disease. According to statistics, a goiter is suffering 90% of the population. In pharmacies sold dozens of drugs against the disease. Probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotic, and other "tick". Frighten us — if not treated goiter, it can lead to serious consequences, up to immunodeficiency and even mental disorders! The only problem is that officially there are no symptoms of dysbiosis, as he himself – a symptom!
Before pharmaceutical companies are increasingly faced with the problem of how to stimulate demand? It's very simple. You can create it from scratch. The easiest way to invent the disease and then invent a medicine for it.
How do pharmaceutical companies manage all to do? To do this, they have marketing departments. The paradox is that while the plants are stamped tablet from the fictional disease, there are many real, from which the drug is not yet there. Why? The answer is simple – it is unprofitable.
In the program take part:
Barry James Marshall — Nobel laureate, Professor of Microbiology
Vasily V. Vlasov — Professor, doctor of medical Sciences. the President of the society of specialists in evidence-based medicine.
Shane Ellison — biochemist from the US, more than 10 years working in multinational pharmaceutical company
Andrey Shulzhenko — the chief of Department of Allergology and immunotherapy, Institute of immunology of FMBA of Russia
Pavel A. Vorobiev, Professor, doctor of medical Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Formulary Committee of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov — PhD, formerly the chief doctor of the Kremlin hospital at the office of the President of the Russian Federation.
Ivan Glushkov head of corporate development pharmaceutical company.published
Source: www.ecology.md