Things that cannot be explained scientifically

1. Why not bike falls to the side constantly?
The mechanism of the bike is fairly simple. It seems that even the children know why the vehicle does not falls to the side. Previously it was thought that this occurs due to two mechanisms, namely, the front wheel automatically turns when the bike starts to fall to the side, and the so-called gyroscopic effect of the spinning wheels. So, some engineer friends and I decided to disprove this theory and created his own model bike. He looked more like a scooter, and its construction was canceled the operation of the two mechanisms to fall. However, it turned out that this model is not in a hurry fell on its side and perfectly holds the balance. After this experiment, the engineer concluded that both mechanisms help a person not to fall from a moving Bicycle, but they are not as important for two-wheeled transport. And the answer to the question of why the bike does not fall, the researchers never found. According to their opinion, this is due to proper load distribution.
2. As inanimate may be alive?
Scientists around the world agree with the theory of the universe which says that life originated on this planet due to evolution, that is, in the beginning was non-living inorganic matter, which, as a result of chemical processes, has become alive. But with this definition is linked to the many questions and inconsistencies. For example, the probability that the desired set of DNA for the emergence of a living organism formed itself, is extremely small. In addition, the lab has never managed to recreate the process of turning non-living material in the cell of the body. Perhaps right those scientists who believe that life on Earth came from space?
3. Why do people sleep?
The average person sleeps 30% of their life, and scientists still don't know why we need sleep and how sleep emerged in evolution. After all, sleep only warm-blooded animals and birds, other living beings are deprived of this ability. Most interested in the question that gives us a daily NAP? It is already known that during a person's sleep restored the body's cells, the wound healing and muscle growth. If a person, for whatever reason, stop to sleep, he may go mad, or just to forget some things. In addition, during sleep, we see dreams that display events with us for the day. Thus, the brain helps us to remember the most important information. However, clearly answer the question of what sleep and dreams, at the moment no one can.
4. Why is the cat able to purr?
No one will tell You why cats purr. Their purring is different from all of the sounds of animals. Interestingly, the kittens are able to purr a few days after birth. Experts believe that the way they communicate with mom. However, with age, the ability does not disappear, and is already associated with joy and satisfaction. And sometimes a cat may purr from severe pain during of the disease. Some veterinarians say that a low purity in the purr is nothing more than self cats: they strengthen the body and heal wounds, ease the pain.
5. As it has a placebo effect?
A placebo is a substance that does not contain medicinal components. About its effect on the human body many say, but to explain its nature, nobody can. The basis of placebo effects as a method of treatment, take its impact on the psyche of the patient. There is plenty of evidence that the placebo really helps to cure real diseases, stimulates the heart and physical responses of the body. However, to explain how the psyche can heal and so much influence on health, is simply impossible. We only know that the pacifier doesn't work for all, but only on insecure and insecure people. And 2 years ago was published, clearly showing that the placebo effect is directly related with the alpha human brain waves that are responsible for the state of trance and meditation. Then the effect spreads to the nervous system and the spinal cord, but completely describe the entire mechanism of the method and failed.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: mif-facts.com.ua