How to relieve joint pain using home remedies
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You can often hear complaints of the joints: someone "twists" the knees, others with hands or back pain. From joint pain can be many reasons, but high among them is osteoarthritis. This disease primarily affects the cartilage, which in a healthy organism performs the function of the shock absorber. In osteoarthritis the cartilage gradually loses its elasticity. It cracks and becomes thinner and sometimes disappears. Located beneath the cartilage the bone is deformed, gathering on the edges of the "spikes". Clinging to each other, they move with difficulty and pain. The disease progresses rapidly, so at the first symptoms of distress in the joints should contact a doctor. And to ease that, we offer at home to cook the drug prescribed by a doctor, naturopath Elena Svitko.
CONIFEROUS RECIPE. Take 200 g of spruce needles, 50 g of resin and 5 drops of fir oil. Pour 1 liter of water and boil the mixture. Soak in the broth cloth and apply a compress on the night for months.
EXTRACT FROM THE FIG. Rice has the property to "pull" out of the joints settled salt. For efficiency, it must be pre-soaked in water for a day or two. Then the rice must be washed, pour 2 tbsp in another jar, and again cover with water. A day later to repeat it and thus to bring up to 5 cans. From the soaked rice you can cook porridge and take a few hours before the main meal, so that the rice pulled all of the salt.
TINCTURE KALANCHOE. Grind in a meat grinder a few leaves of Kalanchoe pour 1 liter of vodka, insist 3-5 days, and then RUB into painful joints for 2 weeks.
A PIECE OF CAKE. Cook the turnips for a couple of make her porridge and stone joints for hours during the week.
OINTMENT OF CANDLES. Heat 0.5 liters of sunflower oil on a steam bath, add 100 g of resin and etched 10 Church candles. Cook the mixture 30 minutes for a couple. Until ointment, liquid strain. Cool and lubricate the affected area 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
SOAP AND KEROSENE. Take sunflower oil (50 ml), kerosene (50 ml), a quarter piece of soap and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix all the ingredients and leave for 3 days in a dark place. This ointment should be rubbed into the joints every day for two weeks.
EGGS IN VINEGAR. In 100 g of vinegar, omit 2 eggs. When the shell is dissolved, remove the tape. Remove the eggs and mash with 30g of butter and then mix with the remaining liquid. Lubricate aching joints 2 times a day during the week.
CAMPHOR OINTMENT. Prepare 25 g of naphthalene and 200 g of whole milk. Naphthalene grind into a powder, combine with milk. Dishes with a mixture put in a water bath and with continuous stirring, bring the water to a boil. Continue to stir for 10 minutes, then the fire is turned off, but leave the mixture in hot water and continue to stir it until the water cools to room temperature. After that, the dishes with the mixture, place in a dark place. The resulting ointment to lubricate the sore spot in the morning and evening.
BEET KVASS. One large red beets in a pan and cover with cold raw water. In 4-5 days it will become sour. Then add 2 tablespoons of salt and dry mustard, mix with beet kvass, put on the fire and heat (but not boil). The resulting mixture soak a clean cloth and make the night a compress on the sore spot. Repeat these gadgets can be 2 weeks.
Valery Sinelnikov, a psychologist, a doctor, a homeopath:
"The joints symbolize the change of direction in life and easy movement. The most common problem with joints is arthritis. The disease acquired from the constant criticism of yourself and others. People with diseased joints always and in everything strive for perfection and want the world, too, was perfect. And it becomes an unbearable burden for them. The joints cannot withstand the load. In the mind of such people is a lot of violence, but they themselves are very critical to any form of power. They are experiencing a huge deficit of love: they think that nobody likes them. By the way, arthritis most often affects the elderly. Because they "stagnate", "harden" their convictions and lose flexibility. In people under arthritis is often a consequence of the "latency" of anger: when a person is angry at someone and want to "hit" in response, and the subconscious mind stops him. Finding out these reasons, it is possible to get rid of the disease."published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/MySecretsGo/posts/1845642425660258:0
You can often hear complaints of the joints: someone "twists" the knees, others with hands or back pain. From joint pain can be many reasons, but high among them is osteoarthritis. This disease primarily affects the cartilage, which in a healthy organism performs the function of the shock absorber. In osteoarthritis the cartilage gradually loses its elasticity. It cracks and becomes thinner and sometimes disappears. Located beneath the cartilage the bone is deformed, gathering on the edges of the "spikes". Clinging to each other, they move with difficulty and pain. The disease progresses rapidly, so at the first symptoms of distress in the joints should contact a doctor. And to ease that, we offer at home to cook the drug prescribed by a doctor, naturopath Elena Svitko.
CONIFEROUS RECIPE. Take 200 g of spruce needles, 50 g of resin and 5 drops of fir oil. Pour 1 liter of water and boil the mixture. Soak in the broth cloth and apply a compress on the night for months.
EXTRACT FROM THE FIG. Rice has the property to "pull" out of the joints settled salt. For efficiency, it must be pre-soaked in water for a day or two. Then the rice must be washed, pour 2 tbsp in another jar, and again cover with water. A day later to repeat it and thus to bring up to 5 cans. From the soaked rice you can cook porridge and take a few hours before the main meal, so that the rice pulled all of the salt.
TINCTURE KALANCHOE. Grind in a meat grinder a few leaves of Kalanchoe pour 1 liter of vodka, insist 3-5 days, and then RUB into painful joints for 2 weeks.
A PIECE OF CAKE. Cook the turnips for a couple of make her porridge and stone joints for hours during the week.
OINTMENT OF CANDLES. Heat 0.5 liters of sunflower oil on a steam bath, add 100 g of resin and etched 10 Church candles. Cook the mixture 30 minutes for a couple. Until ointment, liquid strain. Cool and lubricate the affected area 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
SOAP AND KEROSENE. Take sunflower oil (50 ml), kerosene (50 ml), a quarter piece of soap and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix all the ingredients and leave for 3 days in a dark place. This ointment should be rubbed into the joints every day for two weeks.
EGGS IN VINEGAR. In 100 g of vinegar, omit 2 eggs. When the shell is dissolved, remove the tape. Remove the eggs and mash with 30g of butter and then mix with the remaining liquid. Lubricate aching joints 2 times a day during the week.
CAMPHOR OINTMENT. Prepare 25 g of naphthalene and 200 g of whole milk. Naphthalene grind into a powder, combine with milk. Dishes with a mixture put in a water bath and with continuous stirring, bring the water to a boil. Continue to stir for 10 minutes, then the fire is turned off, but leave the mixture in hot water and continue to stir it until the water cools to room temperature. After that, the dishes with the mixture, place in a dark place. The resulting ointment to lubricate the sore spot in the morning and evening.
BEET KVASS. One large red beets in a pan and cover with cold raw water. In 4-5 days it will become sour. Then add 2 tablespoons of salt and dry mustard, mix with beet kvass, put on the fire and heat (but not boil). The resulting mixture soak a clean cloth and make the night a compress on the sore spot. Repeat these gadgets can be 2 weeks.
Valery Sinelnikov, a psychologist, a doctor, a homeopath:
"The joints symbolize the change of direction in life and easy movement. The most common problem with joints is arthritis. The disease acquired from the constant criticism of yourself and others. People with diseased joints always and in everything strive for perfection and want the world, too, was perfect. And it becomes an unbearable burden for them. The joints cannot withstand the load. In the mind of such people is a lot of violence, but they themselves are very critical to any form of power. They are experiencing a huge deficit of love: they think that nobody likes them. By the way, arthritis most often affects the elderly. Because they "stagnate", "harden" their convictions and lose flexibility. In people under arthritis is often a consequence of the "latency" of anger: when a person is angry at someone and want to "hit" in response, and the subconscious mind stops him. Finding out these reasons, it is possible to get rid of the disease."published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/MySecretsGo/posts/1845642425660258:0
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