Mental debris of the past

To restore order in the apartment and throw all the unnecessary things – this is a prelude to spring cleaning your life. While we only got a shovel and went out on the runway, you have to clean away mountains of rubbish in the first place, mentally. Will be cleaned manually. And this, I have to say, it is not easy and not quick.
By the way:
On the rise always shakes, but you can quietly and calmly stand your whole life in the garage. At the start you need to secure a place for taking off the strip, where slowly, then slightly faster and faster the plane starts to move to a certain point to freeze, to turn to the final segment of the path and at maximum speed to get off the ground. Towards new horizons.
Mental debris of the past
The older you are, the harder it is to decide on changes. Although it would seem, something to fear, since we only become smarter and wiser and, finally, can do what you want?
But practice shows – up to 25 years, the proportion of healthy apathy, which is a wonderful antidote to any fear, much higher. With age, small and illegible doubt under the guise of eating any sensible idea, feeling like home in our minds.
In fact – a bunch of adults are not stupid people gush interesting ideas and nothing to implement under the guise of excuses, in which they themselves believe, while the others do the same.
Any past experience, especially one that we have attached a value that settles in our minds in the form of the findings and conclusions on a particular issue. Some of these findings (perhaps most) were made unconscious, you had no control over them. Today, these insights shape your life.
Hence it turns out that while we consciously have no control over the process, we are woven from the fabric of our past.
All of these:
- I – beautiful or ugly.
- I – smart or stupid.
- I like girls or they me always dynamite.
- The work is easy to find.
- There is no work.
- The Internet does not work.
- Only charlatans.
- You can't trust anyone.
Life is a choice. But only him, no one does. When was the last time you wool your beliefs and change some of them?
Consciously decided that from now on will assume so and not otherwise?
I want to believe that there were adults who understand that the question of how to divide experience into "good" or "bad". I do not propose to change something because it's "bad" or could be "better".
Mental garbage is the attitudes and beliefs that hinder you. Do not give to enjoy the here and now. What prevents to move. What leads to that same situation time after time again in our lifetime.
In establishing yourself again is a very important aspect. It is impossible to make a turn of 180 degrees, endlessly feeding all those past insights.
In other words:
As long as you believe in what you believed yesterday, you'll get what they got yesterday. Mystics of all times, did not detail about it and immediately offered to Wake up every morning with a clean slate, forgetting all that came before. Supposedly, the new day — new life – new insights.
But don't worry, I do not propose to repeat it. We to mindfulness and non-attachment as the moon, maybe it's for the best.
Clearing blockages 1. Dig up
Your task is to dig your own mental garbage and get rid of it. To start, simply dig.
— How do you know if I have a mental garbage?
— Very simple. Just one question to yourself and you know the answer: whether you live 100% the life you want? The drive there?
It's time to seek answers to the question: What brought me to where I am now?
Every thought or belief about yourself, your relationships, work, matter, which is behind the current state of Affairs, it is necessary to impartially examine under a magnifying glass and pointedly to ask, preferably aloud:
— And do not mess it?
Literally every single one of your belief in 4 key areas of life (business, body, soul, relationships) should be called for questioning and to consider carefully from all sides.
From clearly delusional:
- All men cheat.
- Normal men left.
- Girls just want money.
- A lot of money by honest labor did not earn.
- Our country has no chance.
- Life cannot be changed.
Mental garbage discarded in one of two ways:
1.(advanced) Reset this setting. Until you deeply realize that this belief — crap that only pulls you down and you no longer want and are not going to think so to think. And not think and not think. Now and forever.
2. (recommended) Replace the old installing new — design, supported by examples from his life and experience other people. Definitely need to fix is to reinforce the real experience of someone's life. But at the present time. Directly to find someone, even online, who turned out in spite of your past thoughts. As for yourself – look at yourself what you like and hold on to it, stepping to change.
You need to explain and demonstrate to my subconscious that life is actually more than you used to consider good examples there.
This task is not simple, I know. The most difficult is to adjust your Outlook, to change their (!) same point of view on themselves and others. Moreover, in fact, I don't give tips, allowing you to dig on your own.
Don't try to find the mental trash immediately, for a start just look closely at your key opinions about yourself and your life. Out of them, ask where they came from and what situations or people they had formed. Usually in relationships very much, we went from views of our past associates about us. Question: you need it today? It's like the old things, which even were once fit, but now obsolete.
I know that these steps I want to skip. "Give action, get lyrics." But the fact of the matter is that it is action, without which any future "how to find your purpose in life?" will be ineffective.
To build a life, again and again, from the trenches of the past – a utopia. Maximum – change of scenery to succeed. For those who have enough and want real change – it is important to be able to find your beliefs to examine them critically, change as needed and to follow the new that he chose.
We are still at the stage of... fun with them. Being shaken now internal shelves for new energy and fresh momentum.
My advice, leave only the most exalted opinion of themselves and their capabilities. Who if not you? Enough with the compromises. Dispose of in the trash doubts, fears, insecurities and other stuff. Awareness to life and its ability to create begins with understanding that we are better than we used to think about yourself. published
Author: Olesya Novikova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: re-self.ru/mentalnyj-musor-proshlogo.html
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